Must Be Nice

Must Be Nice!

So, what happens when you’re a lawmaker and you violate the law? Write a new one!

Ald. Richard Mell (33rd) is a former hunter with an arsenal of weapons that reportedly features shotguns, rifles and pistols, including a Walther PPK of James Bond fame.

But there’s a problem.

Mell forgot to re-register the weapons as required every year by the ordinance that he helped to pass as one of the City Council’s most senior members.

So, what does an alderman do when he finds himself in violation of the law? He writes a new law. Mell has quietly introduced an ordinance that would reopen gun registration in Chicago and create a one-month amnesty for himself and other gun owners in the same predicament.

As others have pointed out that the law as written makes it illegal to re-register any grandfathered handguns – forget to keep up the registration once, and you can never re-register them again.

But here’s the part of the story that really irks me:

“I knew it was the law. I thought it was being done [by a staff member]. If you have a person you trust to do it and they don’t do it, then it doesn’t get done. I’m not gonna say it’s embarrassing. I’m just gonna say I should have done it,” the alderman said.

So a staff member was supposed to take time on the clock to do Alderman Richard Mell’s personal business? What else does he do on the public’s dime? Pick up Mell’s dry cleaning? Do his grocery shopping?

This, too pissed me off:

Mell said he first realized he was in violation of the re-registration requirement about a year ago. When he tried to re-register his guns belatedly, the Chicago Police Department’s Gun Registration Section refused to bend the rules. Mell appealed that ruling to the city’s Department of Administrative Hearings but decided to re-write the law instead.”When we looked at the law, we saw the possibility of winning [the appeal] wasn’t gonna happen,” he said.

Had one of his constituents come to him in a similar predicament, what would Mell have done or said? “Sorry, tough luck” is my bet. Now it’s been a year – so what happened to all of his guns?

He should be hoist on his own petard.

Or tarred and feathered.

AFTER he gets the stupid damned law repealed.

I Talk Up Haloscan…

I Talk Up Haloscan…

…and then it goes TU on me.

Oh well. First time in a while. Nothing is 100% reliable, it seems.

UPDATE: Comments are back online! That was fast!

UPDATE to the UPDATE: Nope, not quite there yet.

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

(Obama) just told his core supporters that they’re fat dumb and happy, and that he’s going to do something about the fat and happy, and they cheered for him. The Federal power to control your diet and house temperature comes straight from the Grapefruit Diet Clause of the Constitution, which is in the 53rd Amendment, which also establishes the Right to Free Health Care and its companion piece (and some would say necessary precursor), the Right to Consequence-Free Sex.

It tells you something about the Obama supporters that he just promised to make them cold and hungry in order to win the approval of some vaporous guy known as “world opinion,” and they’re still orgasmic over him, perhaps even moreso.

Cold Fury

One Post Before Bed

One Post Before Bed

Here’s everyone who said they were coming to the 2nd Amendment Blog Bash, with the ones I know I met marked with an asterisk:

A Keyboard and a .45*
AIM Blog
An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings (She was there, I didn’t meet her.)
Angry White Boy
Another Gun Blog*
Bloggo the dog boy
Blue Grass, Red State
Call me Ahab* (With the charming and lovely Mrs. Ahab!)
Captain of a Crew of One*
Chicago Handgun Rights* (Poor Quixotic bastard… 😉
damnum absque injuria* (One of the 1% of lawyers that don’t suck!)
Dave Kopel* (And another!)
Days of our Trailers*
Elendil’s Journal
GreatBlueWhale* (Saw him, didn’t get to shake his hand.)
Gun Legislation & Politics in New York
Gun Owners Against Violence* (Nice lady! But her blog is down for the count.)
Gun Pundit*
Kentucky Progress
Mary Katharine Ham (Didn’t see her, dammit!)
Michael Bane*
Of Arms and the Law* (1% Lawyer in sandals!)
Osi Speaks!
Outdoor Wire*
Rustmeister’s Alehouse*
Sharp as a Marble* (FUNNY dude!)
Snowflakes in Hell*
Squeaky Wheel Seeks Grease* (Look! A pony! 😉
The Adventures of Roberta X (No, dammit.)
The Bitch Girls* (Well, the Bitter one, anyway.)
The Carden Chronicles
The Maddened Fowl
The Outdoor Newshound
The Outdoor Pressroom
The Ten Ring* (Both Denise and Yosemite Sam)
The Unforgiving Minute*
The View From North Central Idaho*
View From The Porch* (Yaaaa! Tam came back!)

I also got to meet Robert Cottrol, another one-percenter, and David E. Young. I spoke for a few minutes with Cam Edwards (who attended the GunBlogger’s Rendezvous once before, so this is the second time I’ve met him) I got to sit down for about thirty minutes and talk with Sandy Froman, too! A one-percenter in pumps!

Next year the Annual Meeting in in Phoenix – just about two hours up the road from here, so I’ll definitely be attending that one, so long as work does not interfere. (And it better not!)



I went out to dinner with Bitter, Sebastian, and Joe Huffman last night, then we stood around in the hotel parking lot until about 10:00PM talking (and yes, I’m very glad Joe is on our side!! 😉 before we called it a night. I awoke at 4:30AM (Eastern time) and got home about thirty minutes ago. It’s 11:30 Pacific time, but on that clock I’ve been up since 1:30 this morning.

My posterior is dragging.

I thought I’d walked my a** off at the convention, but somehow it found me again, and is dragging the ground like an anchor.

Now I need to move a bunch of files, go through a bunch of pictures, and do a bunch of posting, but I think that will happen during the remainder of this week. I also need to rearrange my blogroll, because the “Bloggers I’ve Met” section just got a LOT bigger, and I’m going to have to do away with the redundancies. (That left sidebar is quite crowded.)

More posting later – probably tomorrow. I’m wiped out.

Waiting for Tam

Waiting for Godot Tam

Half a dozen of us are sitting in the pressroom at the convention center waiting for the Empress of Snark™ to arrive: Squeeky, Unforgiving Minute, U.S. Citizen, Bitter Bitch, Sharp as a Marble, Rustmeister, and me.

OMG, we’re groupies.

UPDATE: Now there are twelve awaiting her arrival.

More Shots from the NRA Convention

More Shots from the NRA Convention

Back on the exhibit floor today, I thought I’d just take some shots of stuff I find interesting. First up, another bitter clinger:

And some DSA STG58 gun pr0n:

And the one I personally lust after:

Pink guns are a theme here this year. Here are some guns that will make Sarah Brady cry:

That’s a cute little Rossi.

The single-shot, not the model holding it. I didn’t get her name.

Here’s one to REALLY make Sarah cry:

A DPMS Panther Arms pink AR.

But this is just wrong:

That looks like something Uday or Qusay (“Dead” and “Deader”) would have owned.

And, finally, the great reward for any blogger, a fan stopped me in the middle of an aisle and said he had been specifically looking for me. Ladies and gentlmen, one of my sixteen regular readers (presented as evidence that this really happened!):

Major ego booster, I’ll tell you.

OK, THAT Went Well

OK, THAT Went Well…

The gunbloggers were supposed to have a private hands-on with FH Herstal at their booth at 8:00AM, so I dragged my butt out of bed at 7:00 and got to the convention center.

Surprise! Didn’t happen.

Even better, the NRA Pressroom which was supposed to open at 8:00 was locked.

Until 9:00.

As someone commented (not a gunblogger), the NRA just doesn’t deal well with the media.

You know, I can kinda see his point.