Just Wave Your Hands…

…the obstacles will all disappear! Jeff over at Damnum Absque Injuria links to a particularly Pollyannish post at The Richmond Democrat that begins:

We cannot drill our way out of the current crisis of higher gasoline prices. Why? It is a simple matter of supply and demand. While the supply of oil is finite, the demand for oil is ever expanding. No matter how many holes we drill, we will never catch up to the global demand for oil-based motor fuels as they are currently used.

Trying to drill our way out of this crisis is a little like chasing the Sun on a bicycle: you can pedal all you want and you may even feel like you are making a little forward progress, but the Sun will inevitably pull away from you. The demand for oil will inevitably pull away from the supply, and the more the gap between supply and demand widens, the higher the price of gasoline will go. We cannot address this crisis on the supply side of the equation because the available supply–even if we were to drill as many holes as we could–is both finite and insufficient.

As Jeff asks, “WTF part of ‘supply and demand’ don’t you understand?”

But it gets even better. This guy swoons over hydrogen fuel cells, hybrid cars and new battery technologies. Hell, for him hydrogen is the fuel of the future!

The other possible technological solution I mentioned, the hydrogen fuel cell, is extremely promising for one reason that ordinary Americans would do well the consider: the technological problems associated with fuel cells are almost entirely concerned with the fuel cells themselves and not with the fuel source!

Hydrogen is everywhere and the technology for extracting it from our environment is relatively simple. Gasoline is extracted from crude oil, which is rare and therefore expensive (supply and demand again). Hydrogen can be extracted from water and water is everywhere, covering three-quarters of the Earth’s surface, and is cheap, cheap, cheap. In fact, the stuff falls out of the sky as rain, free of charge. When you use gasoline as fuel it is gone for good, becoming more and more scarce and therefore more and more expensive. When you use hydrogen in a fuel cell, it becomes water again. The same hydrogen molecules, the “H2” in H2O, can be used over and over and over again. Hydrogen will never become scarce: you cannot corner the market on hydrogen.

He does make faint mouth-noises that none of this is a free lunch:

Batteries could be recharged with electricity generated by coal, nuclear, hydroelectric, geothermal, solar, wind or some other technology yet to be invented. The United States has access to all these sources of power.

But nowhere in this wonderful paean to The Future! does he acknowledge that hydrogen isn’t a fuel. It’s just another not-very-convenient or efficient way to store energy converted from some other form. So I wrote a comment. His comments are moderated before being posted, and none had been posted at the time I wrote mine, so I saved a copy. Here it is:

Hydrogen is everywhere and the technology for extracting it from our environment is relatively simple.

Yes. All it takes is energy.

Hydrogen is not a fuel source. It’s just another way to store energy, and the amount of energy you can get out of hydrogen you “extract” from other compounds is less than the amount of energy it takes to do the extraction.

This is fine if you have abundant excess energy, but one of the problems we have today is that such excess does not exist. The simplest way to extract hydrogen is through electrolysis of water. That requires electricity. Most of our electrical generation plants burn oil, natural gas, or coal. There is excess capacity – the plants don’t run at full load at night, for example, but you still have to burn fossil fuels to run them, and the amount of energy required to crack water into H2 and O2 is more than you get back by burning the H2 and O2 back into water, even if you use the H2 in a fuel cell.

Plug-in hybrids? Again, where does that electricity come from? Are you advocating a massive building program for new nuclear generating stations?

The less oil we use, the less oil will cost.

Only if everyone uses less oil. Unfortunately, the fact of the matter is that oil is used worldwide for fuel, and for feedstocks in the manufacturing of plastics, lubricants, and other vital chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides. Sure, it’s possible to reduce our use, but China and India are ramping up their use, and they’re not alone, so the laws of supply and demand will remain in force. The world usage of oil will continue to increase. We’d better start drilling where we know oil is to try to keep supply somewhere near demand as long as we can.

Will new technologies help? Certainly. But new technologies take time. Hydrogen fusion power has been “20 years away” for as long as I can remember. We’re making great strides forward in battery and supercapacitor technology, but again, where does the electricity come from? Solar and wind have the drawback of not being dependable, or very energy dense. Wave and tide power could be promising, but I’m waiting for the environmentalist crowd to start protesting the construction of anything near a shoreline.

Hell, I’m waiting for the environmentalists to shut down mines where the metals necessary for those hybrid batteries and fuel cells are dug up, and the plants where they are refined. Nickel, lithium, lead, copper, titanium, aluminum, all that stuff comes out of the ground, and the byproducts can be nasty. There’s a proposed copper mine near where I live that they’re bound and determined to prevent the opening of.

Plug-in hybrids and hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles are NOT a solution. The energy to charge the batteries or crack the hydrogen needs to come from somewhere.

Face it: The only technology that’s going to help any time soon is nuclear power. (More mining.) It can help ease the transition away from oil – but in the near term we need more OIL, and we’d better start drilling SOON.

And I DARE you to approve this comment, unedited. (I’m posting a copy, BTW, with a link.)

I would ask how in the world did people get to be so clueless, but I’ve already answered my own question.

He did let it through moderation along with several others, kudos to him for that. Then he replied that we “didn’t read his post.” I have another comment pending moderation. We’ll see if that one goes through.

UPDATE: It did.

Why YOU Should Be a Gunblogger

Why YOU Should Be a Gunblogger! (Bumped one last time)

You get a shot at stuff like THIS:

Dear Gun Blogger,

We at Para appreciate your support of the NRA and were glad to see you at the Second Amendment Blog Bash. Your name has been entered into a contest, and the 10 winners will get an invitation to attend a summer camp at Blackwater USA’s North Carolina facility with world class shooter and instructor Todd Jarrett.

The top ten gun bloggers in our contest will have the opportunity to shoot a special Para pistol and learn the secrets of a World Champion from Todd Jarrett. Gun Blogger Michael Bane and a video crew will record the event for Down Range TV.

The 10 bloggers with the most votes will receive an invitation to this exclusive event, so let all your readers know! They can cast their vote on the para-usa.com website: http://www.para-usa.com/new/special/blogger_contest06-08.php . Better yet, everyone who votes will have the option of entering their own name for a chance to win the 11th invitation to this exciting weekend!

Tell all your readers to vote here, and enter to WIN a weekend at Blackwater with Champion Shooter Todd Jarrett.

Spread the word, voting ends July 1st. The Para-Blackwater Gun Bloggers weekend will be August 22-24, 2008. Invitees must provide their own transportation to Norfolk, Virginia. Para USA, along with Blackwater USA, is sponsoring this weekend of first class instruction at the most exclusive training facility in the United States. Please visit the link above for more details.

We also invite you to browse our new Para USA website at www.para-usa.com where you can view all of Para’s new pistols, and the latest reviews by all the top gunwriters.

Safe shooting and best regards,

Para USA, Inc.

Now is that cool or what?

So vote for me, wouldja?

(Bumped, because this contest is one vote per customer, and the voting ends July 1!)

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

Ideological descendants of Marx and Rousseau now lead the Democratic Party and they have turned it into a disloyal opposition to an increasingly accommodating GOP. They have molded the Party into a force working stridently and unashamedly against a Commander in Chief during wartime. They have made it a den of treachery devoted to American defeat in Iraq. They preside over an institution advised and influenced by moneyed, non-governmental groups and individuals with unquestionably anti-U.S. agendas who help make the Party a pseudo-intellectual sinkhole filled with perverse, tried-and-failed ideas repulsive to the majority of Americans. Those ideas are shaped into agendas which are then forced on the public by an activist leftwing judiciary and by a major media and arts consortium shot through with utter disrespect, indeed contempt, for traditional American values, religions and institutions. The Democratic Party has devolved into a club for the illegitimately aggrieved, the self-absorbed, the self-hating and the perpetually [angry]. It is a sanctuary where solipsistic malcontents and their disjointed causes find refuge and support. It has long ceased being an earnest gathering of broad minds where man’s timeless problems are examined against the backdrop of the Constitution and solutions to them proposed based on the actual realities of the human condition…[Barack] Obama is in step with that radical element and with that leadership. – Rocco DiPippo

The Socialist Party

The Socialist Party

Bernie Sanders (Socialist, VT) is, at least, honest about what he is. Rep. Maxine Waters let her true colors show a couple of weeks ago (Marxist Red, of course). Now, via Unix_Jedi, Rep. Maurice Hinchey of New York, “member of the House Appropriations Committee and one of the most-ardent opponents of off-shore drilling” has done the same:

We (the government) should own the refineries. Then we can control how much gets out into the market.

Thank you, Mr. Hinchey, one more elected official violating the oath you swore to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Do you have a Ché flag in your office?

Stay tuned for the next two Quotes of the Day.

UPDATE: Jeff has a question for Reps. Waters and Hinchey.

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

When I was a boy, the purpose of American history textbooks was to teach American history. Today, the purpose of most American history texts is to make minorities and females feel good about themselves. As a result, American kids today are deprived of the opportunity to feel good about being American (not to mention deprived of historical truth). They are encouraged to feel pride about all identities—African-American, Hispanic, Asian, female, gay—other than American… Can we return to the America of my youth? No. Can we return to the best values of that time? Yes. But not if both houses of Congress, the presidency and the Supreme Court move the country even further leftward. If that happens… [m]ore laws restricting ‘offensive’ speech will be enacted; litigation will increase and trial lawyers will gain more power; the American military will be less valued; trees will gradually replace the flag as our most venerated symbol; schools will teach even less as they concentrate even more on diversity, sexuality and the environment; teenage sex will be increasingly accepted; American identity will continue to be replaced by ethnic, racial, gender or ‘world citizen’ identity; and the power of the state will expand further as the power of the individual inevitably contracts. It’s hard to believe most Americans really want that. – Dennis Prager

Do it Again, Only HARDER

Do it Again, Only HARDER

Sebastian has a very interesting British Public Service advertisement on his blog. His reaction:

You’d almost think the laws were ineffective, and only resulted in criminals having guns. Nah! Can’t be. That’s crazy talk!

Or, as Uncle puts it, “That’s unpossible!”

Here are two screenshots from near the end of the piece that say it all, now eleven years after the UK banned all handguns:

They admit that banning legally-owned firearms has failed. But the philosophy cannot be wrong!


Wait… I thought the handgun ban was supposed to do that…?

I left this comment at this blog post there. I doubt seriously it will make it through moderation:

OF COURSE “these laws don’t seem to matter.”

Are any of you familiar with the concept of “cognitive dissonance”? Here’s an excellent definition:

“When someone tries to use a strategy which is dictated by their ideology, and that strategy doesn’t seem to work, then they are caught in something of a cognitive bind. If they acknowledge the failure of the strategy, then they would be forced to question their ideology. If questioning the ideology is unthinkable, then the only possible conclusion is that the strategy failed because it wasn’t executed sufficiently well. They respond by turning up the power, rather than by considering alternatives. (This is sometimes referred to as ‘escalation of failure’.)”

You’ve TRIED “disarming Britain,” and you’ve FAILED. Al you’ve done is disarm your victims and made them fearful of the consequences of defending themselves. Your ideology says “Violence is bad. Weapons are at fault. Remove the weapons and the violence will go away.” The ideology is FLAWED. But you’ve tried to follow the logic of the ideology, and it has failed. Since the ideology cannot be wrong, you keep turning up the power, and escalating the failure.

What you’ve lost is the understanding that there is a difference between “violent and predatory” and “violent but defensive.” Instead, you see only “violent.”

Human predators exist. A brick, a pipe, a chisel, a bottle – broken or not – can be a weapon in the hands of someone willing to use it. Knowing that their prey will be defenseless merely encourages them. How many of you avoid even looking at a hoodie-wearing chav on a bus or riding the tube, afraid that they might find an interest in YOU?

If any of you still have an open mind on the subject, read this. All three parts.

No wonder Brits are emigrating en mass.

UPDATE: Needless to say, my comment wasn’t approved. So I sent the blog authors, Natalie Harrison and Kyle MacRae an email directing them to this post and asking them “why not?”

Nat, Kyle:

I visited your website, “Disarming Britain” yesterday and read several of the posts after one of your adverts was posted to a web site I frequent. I left a comment on the post in question, “Knives and the Law” which was held for moderation.

It appears it didn’t pass muster.

I posted my entire comment, with a link to your site, at my own blog. I was wondering if you could tell me just what was it about my comment that got it rejected?

Thank you for your attention.


Further updates as events warrant.

Four More Years, Indeed

Four More Years, Indeed

Mike Ramirez, two-time Pulitzer-winning political cartoonist scores again:

Only I believe Obama is, if anything worse than Carter. Carter was a (relatively mild) Christian Socialist. I think Obama is the real Marxist type, but perhaps without the atheism.

Either way, the next four years ain’t gonna be fun.