Doing the Jobs Americans Just Won’t Do

Local authorities call the wave of kidnappings an epidemic. According to the Associated Press, some of the hostages have their fingers, legs, and heads cut off; while others are bound and gagged in pools of water before being zapped with electrical devices. If the victim is female, she is often raped while her husband is forced to listen on the other end of a telephone line. If their demands aren’t met, corpses are soon discovered in the desert, gunshot wounds to the skull and body.

Do these descriptions originate from Afghanistan, a brutal Iraqi prison, or the war-torn region of Somalia? No, all these reports came directly from the southwest portion of the United States. Specifically, Brian Ross of ABC News reported, “Phoenix, Arizona has become the kidnapping capital of America, with more incidents than any other city in the world outside Mexico City, and over 370 cases last year alone.”

On average, this means there is one kidnapping every day. Arizona radio host Darrell Ankarlo says two or three abductions go unreported for every one that is. The vast majority of kidnappings are connected to Mexican drug cartels and illegal immigrants coming across the border. Phoenix Police Department detective Phil Roberts states quite clearly, “Phoenix is ground zero for illegal narcotics smuggling and illegal human smuggling in the United States.”

The motive is obvious. Whereas drug dealing and scurrying illegals through the desert brings in billions of dollars, Tim Gaynor of Reuters reported that “ransoms can range from $50,000 to $1 million.”

The reason kidnappers demand such a high price is because their targets are often “coyotes” — drug smugglers or dealers who carry large amounts of cash. As Detective Roberts said, “There’s a lot of illegal cash out there in the valley, and a lot of people want to get their hands on it.”

Kidnappings have largely been contained to the Mexican crime underworld. Although overseen by drug lords, the actual perpetrators are illegal aliens looking for a quick buck, or cheap Mexican laborers. Sam Quinones of the L.A. Times describes the process used to locate these “grunts.”

“Certain Phoenix bars are known as places where kidnappers recruit, much the way builders go to Home Depot to hire day laborers.” – Arizona as Dangerous as ‘Pakistan,’ Says Top Phoenix Cop

Read the whole thing. The “reporter” is a flake, but the facts are accurate.

I think I need to go to the local gun shop and pick me up a bazooka.

Demand is Still High

Demand is Still High

The CMP reports via email:

ORDER BACKLOG. Normally, we average receiving 2,000 – 3,000 sales orders per month and ship an order in 2-3 weeks. However, these are not normal times. Since October, 2008 we have been receiving 5,000 – 10,000 orders per month, which is several times normal. As a result, we are very backlogged and running several weeks behind on processing orders. Our staff is working up to 12 hours per day 7 days a week, and only today finished the 4,000 orders we received on 1 December alone (except for those 1 Dec orders with credit card or other problems). Customers with outstanding orders should expect orders to ship approximately 100 days from the date the order was received by CMP. We expect to recover from this surge in another 3-4 months (assuming the number of orders being received drops somewhat).

COMMUNICATION RESPONSE DELAYS. CMP is receiving hundreds of calls a day, as well as hundreds of emails. Each morning there are dozens of voicemails from the night before. Because of the large volume of constant calls in the daytime, it may take a few days for response. We have a state of the art phone system for a company our size, but the volume of calls is causing the system to do unexpected things. We apologize for any delay in responding to emails or telephone calls.

CMP STORES CLOSED 15-31 MARCH, 2009. In addition to the heavy volume of mail and estore orders, the shopping activity at both stores has been significantly higher than last year. As a result, we have had to divert more sales staff than planned from processing mail orders on the days the store is open. Both CMP stores will be closed 15-31 March. The Sales staff at both locations will work on processing mail orders in an effort to quickly reduce the backlog and shorten delivery time.

ORDERS OUT OF SEQUENCE. In normal times, CMP processes sales orders in date sequence as received, regardless of item being ordered. To help reduce the mountain of orders, we are separating the rifle orders from non-rifle orders. We have dedicated two of our staff to process the non-rifle orders without regard to dates of rifle orders still in the queue. This will result in an out of sequence delivery time for many orders, but will reduce the amount of pending orders quickly.

BUY NOW FEATURE ON CMP AUCTION. We have started using the “buy now” feature for selected items on the CMP Auction site. We are listing the M1A1 carbine, one at a time with this feature. Buy now price is $3,000. We will also list some M1A1 carbines for the regular bidding process.

LAKE CITY. .30-06 SOLD OUT. On 20 February, we posted the Lake City .30-06 ammunition as sold out. We fully expect to be able to fill all orders already in house and those in the mail on 20 February. It may take another 100 days to ship some of the orders just received.

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

This one, I’m sure, will be getting a lot of play. From Van Der Leun:

Man one: “Did you see that article in that magazine last week?”

Man two: “Which magazine?”

Man one: “You know, the one with Obama on the cover.”

Man two: “With Obama on the cover? Christ, they all have Obama on the cover. It’s getting so the only place I want to see Obama’s picture is on a milk carton.”


Quote of the Day – “Cultural Framework” Edition

Quote of the Day – “Cultural Framework” Edition

I should be in bed asleep, since I’m writing this at 9:45PM for delayed posting tomorrow, but . . .

Perusing my Sitemeter stats tonight, I ran across a post from 2004 that links to a piece that, well, I just can’t describe, but I’ve decided to archive here in case the originating site ever disappears, since new posts apparently stopped in June of 2006.

LeeAnn of the defunct blog The Cheese Stands Alone wrote about being called in to HR for being “intimidating”:

Sorry, You Forgot To Give Me A Lobotomy With My Nametag

Just got home from work. Am purple with aggravation, frustration, and disbelief. Cannot possibly speak rationally right now. Also apparently have lost all my pronouns somewhere between the car and here.

Breathe deep. Calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean…….

Okay, I’m better now.
Here’s the thing… I was called into the HR office today, because one of my coworkers (let’s call her Blondie) wanted to file a complaint against me. The complaint stated that I made her feel “threatened”.
I was slightly reassured, however, that they’d given the problem to the Intern. This bodes well in favor of this being silly enough to count as training for her, apparently. The Intern is approximately 12 years old and has not blood but political correctness flowing in her pre-pubescent veins.
“How” I asked the Intern, “in the world does she think I’ve threatened her?”
Intern: “You’ve made no overt action. She feels intimidated by you, however, and wished to make an official complaint. We felt it was better to discuss the matter with you before taking any action, if necessary.”
Me: “Exactly what did I do?”
Intern: “Er… nothing, really…. she said she’s intimidated by you, because you talk about people and events that she knows nothing about, and she said it makes her feel stupid.”
Me: “You’re kidding, right?”
Intern: “We have to take it seriously, it’s in the manual. “
Me: “Exactly what was it I said that got her upset?”
Intern: “She mentioned something about medical references, and once you talked about Henry VIII…. it bothers her that she doesn’t understand what you’re talking about most of the time. Oh, and McGuyver. “
Me: “She’s upset because she doesn’t know who McGuyver is?”
Intern: “We’re not writing a complaint on this. We just wanted you to be aware of her feelings and be more sensitive to her cultural framework.”
Me: “Oh, you did NOT just say that.”
Intern: “Beg pardon?”
Me: “Nothing, nothing…. okay, so basically if I have to talk to her, I should talk slow, use small words, and mention nothing that happened before last Tuesday?”
Intern: “Did you know sarcasm is considered a form of aggression?”
Me: *backing slowly out of the room* “Uh… okay, gotta go, late for my shift… buh-bye now.”

I haven’t quite decided how to handle this yet. Part of me wants to completely and utterly ignore Blondie and speak nary one more word to her… ever.
And the other part of me wants to start a discussion about quantum physics and watch her head explode.
I’m probably going with the third path…. I’m going to laugh my ass off.

Any guesses as to who The Intern (much less the cow-orker “Blondie”) voted for in the 2008 presidential election? (Though I’m fairly certain “Blondie” screwed up her ballot.)

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

Now, I love libertarians to death. My CPU practically has a permanent open socket to the Mises Institute. In my opinion, anyone who has intentionally chosen to remain ignorant of libertarian (and, in particular, Misesian-Rothbardian) thought, in an era when a couple of mouse clicks will feed you enough high-test libertarianism to drown a moose, is not an intellectually serious person. Furthermore, I am a computer programmer who has read far too much science fiction – two major risk factors for libertarianism. So I could just say, “read Rothbard,” and call it a day.

On the other hand, it is hard to avoid noticing two basic facts about the universe. One is that libertarianism is an extremely obvious idea. The other is that it has never been successfully implemented.

This does not prove anything. But what it suggests is that libertarianism is, as its detractors are always quick to claim, an essentially impractical ideology. I would love to live in a libertarian society. The question is: is there a path from here to there? And if we get there, will we stay there? If your answer to both questions is obviously “yes,” perhaps your definition of “obvious” is not the same as mine.Unqualified Reservations, A formalist manifesto

This from a blog that reader Thibodeaux introduced me to in a comment to yesterday’s QotD. The author, “Mencius Moldbug,” makes my überposts look brief in comparison, but so far they’ve been worth the time.