Quote of the Day – “Green Police” Edition

This is in relation to the previous post on this topic, Audi’s Super Bowl “Green Police” ad. Reader Perlhaqr in the comments:

Now I have “the Green Police… are buried under my shed…” running through my head.

First runner-up comes from SayUncle’s post yesterday, Ad Fail:

The ad says that, by virtue of buying this car, you will be a compliant citizen. In essence, you’ll be a better sheep. Fuck that.

The commercial should have ended with a guy in a big ass Ford Earthfuckertm that gets 5 miles per gallon with seats made from baby seals blowing past the roadblock billowing smoke. And, for effect, the driver flips them off. I’d buy that car.

Let’s see, the Escape, Explorer, Expedition, Excursion, Exclusion, and Earthfucker. Helluva lineup!

Quote of the Day – Tea Party Edition

Quote of the Day – Tea Party Edition

(T)hat grass-roots, “never-done-this-before” sense of excitement and empowerment is the first thing that really hits you.

These are the most regular, decent people you’ll meet, and with very few exceptions not one of them has been involved in politics in any way. It’s just that – like so many of us — They’ve just had enough!

Of course, the media coverage has tried very hard to portray the normal, average, every-day Americans of the Tea party rallies as dangerous and angry racists and Wal-Mart knuckle-draggers, while identifying the mass-produced signs, the mass-produced T-shirts, the mass-produced members of bused-in wiccan nihilist anarcho-Maoist lesbian eco-weenie anti-war protestors as somehow the genuine voice of the American people. – Bill Whittle, Eject! Eject! Eject!PARTY TIME!

With apologies to lesbian wiccan capitalists everywhere (this means you, Deb). No offense intended.

Well, Audi is a German Company

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVPyHrPZbVM]
My mouth literally fell open while I watched this for the first time.

All I could think was, (and I’m sure the Violence Policy Center and the Brady Bunch will salivate at this) I’d kill them first. Then I’d go after their bosses.

UPDATE – Quote of the Day, seen elsewhere, but I can’t find the link right now (paraphrased from memory) Cbullitt has it:

Bubba Thudd (21:35:23) :

I don’t get it. It’s supposed to be an advert for cars, but after watching it, I want to buy shotgun shells. What gives? Is there some kind of subliminal message?

Wow, China’s Really Into “Green” Energy

Wow, China’s Really Into “Green” Energy!

Australia signs huge China coal deal

An Australian firm has signed a $60bn (AUS$69bn; £38bn) deal to supply coal to Chinese power stations.

Clive Palmer, chairman of the company, Resourcehouse, said it was Australia’s “biggest ever export contract”.

Under the deal, the firm will build a new mining complex to give China Power International Development (CPI) 30m tonnes of coal a year for 20 years.

Err, no, you’ll be selling them 30 million tons of coal a year for 20 years. Words mean things.

Analysts say it is further evidence of China’s strong demand for resources boosting Australia’s economy.

Most of China’s power stations rely on coal – and demand has risen sharply in recent months after a government stimulus programme re-energised its economy.

Odd, isn’t it, how a “re-energized economy” demands more energy?

Here’s good news for my industry:

The plan involves building a huge new mining complex in the Australian state of Queensland, and laying 500km (311 miles) of railway line to move the coal to the coast.

Resourcehouse’s executive director, Phil McNamara, said the “once-in-a-century project” would include open-cast and underground mines, with construction likely to begin later this year.

The complex in the Galilee basin, to be called China First, is expected to start coal production in 2013 and will churn out some 40 million tonnes a year.

And the extra 10 million tons per annum will go . . . where?

My employer has a lot of experience in the mining industry, so perhaps we’ll get a chunk of the design work. If not, it means whoever does won’t be available to compete against us on other projects.

But the lucrative Sino-Australian deal will almost certainly disappoint some environmental groups, says the BBC’s Phil Mercer in Sydney.

They believe Australia’s reliance on plentiful reserves of coal, both for domestic electricity generation and for export, should be reduced in favour of renewable sources of energy.

They call coal the wonder-mineral. You can do anything with it, except mine it or burn it.


Pure carbon! Except for the sulfur in it that produces sulfur dioxide and acid rain, and the mercury that is released largely from coal-fired power plants. I wonder if the Chinese power plants will have particulate scrubbers and such like ours do? And then, of course, you’ve got the release of all that CO2, the “greenhouse gas” that we’re told we have to cap.

I wonder if NASA’s James Hansen will travel to China to protest? Or will he, perhaps, go to Queensland where it’ll be safer to hold a protest sign?

Blogroll Bleg

Blogroll Bleg

OK, it’s well past the time to do some site maintenance. It looks like it’s going to rain here all day, and I don’t have a dog in The Big Game™®©, so I thought I’d spend the day cleaning up the left sidebar and getting things squared away. I realize that a lot of people will be watching the game, etc. but if you have TSM blogrolled and I don’t have a reciprocal link up, please drop me an email and I’ll try to correct that over the next week or so.

I’m also going to revamp the “Best Posts” list and try to organize them by general topic, dropping some, and adding others. If there’s anything you think I need to add, let me know.

One last thing – if there are any truly outstanding essays by other bloggers (including yourselves) you think I should link to, I’m giving serious consideration to putting in a section of those. Suggestions are welcome.

Quote of the Day – Out of the Mouths of (Relative) Babes Edition

Quote of the Day – Out of the Mouths of (Relative) Babes Edition

Usually, the State of the Union address is a laundry list of proposals spiced with sycophantic applause and dipped in an admixture of boredom and bravado. It is rarely a statement of basic philosophy.

Not for President Obama.

President Obama’s State of the Union address was the greatest American rhetorical embrace of fascist trope since the days of Woodrow Wilson. I am not suggesting Obama is a Nazi; he isn’t. I am not suggesting that he is a jackbooted thug; he isn’t (even if we could be forgiven for mistaking Rahm Emanuel for one).

President Obama is, however, a man who embodies all the personal characteristics of a fascist leader, right down to the arrogant chin-up head tilt he utilizes when waiting for applause. He sees democracy as a filthy process that can be cured only by the centralized power of bureaucrats. He sees his presidency as a Hegelian synthesis marking the end of political conflict. He sees himself as embodiment of the collective will. No president should speak in these terms — not in a representative republic. Obama does it habitually.

Ben Shapiro, Human EventsObama’s Philosophically Fascist State of the Union Address

(h/t to Neo-neocon for the link.)