In 2002 pundit Charles Krauthammer said that to understand modern American politics, you had to understand two things: The Right thinks the Left is stupid. The Left thinks the Right is EVIL.
Exhibit A, this answer to the Quora question: What would Jesus say to the American religious establishment who supported Trump?
.Jay Bazzinotti The most important Law is to love God. The 2nd is love thy neighbor as thyself.
You realize, of course, that it is blasphemy to put words in the mouth of God. All you need do is look at his words as they exist today
“When I was hungry, you gave me nothing to eat; when I was thirsty, you gave me nothing to drink. When I was sick or in prison, you did not comfort or visit me; when I was a stranger in your land, you did not welcome me.”
And as a result, he sent the Republicans to Hell to burn in the unquenchable fire. It’s actually pretty clear in Matthew 25. Of course, Republicans will tell you they donate more than anyone else, more to Joel Osteen so he can live in a castle and own multiple private aircraft. But as Jesus said of the poor woman who gave 2 cents to the collection plate: “She’s given more than all of these [Republicans] because she gave all that she had while they gave of their excess.”
The funny thing is, the Republicans KNOW they are doing wrong – they simply don’t care. As long as they get theirs, they do not care who else suffers or how they got it. Abraham Lincoln, a Republican of the past, actually predicted and condemned the Republicans of the present. He said, “The one is the common right of humanity and the other the divine right of kings. It is the same principle in whatever shape it develops itself. It is the same spirit that says, ‘You work and toil and earn bread, and I’ll eat it.”
The Republicans are happy to condemn people different from them and to profit from their labor. It’s one of the reasons why the Democratic states have perpetually had to pay for the shortfall in taxes of the welfare-taking Republican states.
I cannot put words in Jesus’ mouth. But I can look at what he said about Republican in the Gospels. And yes, I know I am a sinner but at least I recognize and it try to be a better person. The only thing the Republicans try to improve are their methods for ignoring that their own people like Goslar and Gaetz and Cruz and the others do. They no longer see the difference between moral and immoral, ethical and unethical, right and wrong. There are no limits for them as long as they get what they want no matter who is hurt.
This brings us, once again, to the words of former Leftist David Horowitz, who explains this moral superiority with crystal clarity:
“Progressives are focused on the future, and what’s the chief characteristic of the future? It’s imaginary! The future they are focused on never existed in human history, and as conservatives we understand it can never exist. It’s an impossible dream and a very, very destructive one, as we know from the history of Progressive movements in the 20th Century which killed a hundred million people in peacetime.
“It is, as I’ve said in many places, a crypto-religion. “The world is a Fallen place, and we’re gonna save it.”
“This is what makes them so dangerous. They see themselves as Savior. A decent – I would say “authentic” religion says that the world is a really screwed up place and human beings are incapable of unscrewing it.
“People who believe that Redemption will take place in this life, and they’re going to be part of it, that’s the Hitlers, that’s the Lenins, that’s the Maos. And unfortunately it’s the ideology, moderated of course, but the ideology – moderated for the American framework – of the Democratic Party and the Progressive Left: ‘If we have the power, we can do it.’
“So if you believe that social institutions can change things by getting enough power, then when you look at your opponents, who are the people who are not going along with the program? You see yourself as the army of the Saints. Who are they? They are, YOU are the party of Satan!
“If you want to understand a so-called liberal, just think of a hellfire and damnation preacher and his mentality. That’s what it is. That’s why they’re rude, they’re always interrupting, that’s why it doesn’t bother them in the least that there are no conservatives on their faculty. Because conservatives are evil, they’re spreading ideas that are evil, that are keeping people from enjoying this paradise on Earth that they’re going to bring about.”
We all just received a sermon from Archbishop Bazzenotti.