“…no political will in the country to address inner-city violence.”

As I’ve said here and on other fora, if you really want to do something about homicide by firearm then you need to pay attention to who’s doing the killing, who’s doing the dying, and where it is taking place.  ProPublica has an article out, How the Gun Control Debate Ignores Black Lives, on this topic, and the title to this post is THE pullquote from it.

Some other choice selections:

In 2012, 90 people were killed in shootings like the ones in Newtown and Aurora, Colorado. That same year, nearly 6,000 black men were murdered with guns.

Mass shootings, unsurprisingly, drive the national debate on gun violence. But as horrific as these massacres are, by most counts they represent less than 1 percent of all gun homicides. America’s high rate of gun murders isn’t caused by events like Sandy Hook or the shootings this fall at a community college in Oregon. It’s fueled by a relentless drumbeat of deaths of black men.

Gun control advocates and politicians frequently cite the statistic that more than 30 Americans are murdered with guns every day. What’s rarely mentioned is that roughly 15 of the 30 are black men.

Avoiding that fact has consequences. Twenty years of government-funded research has shown there are several promising strategies to prevent murders of black men, including Ceasefire. They don’t require passing new gun laws, or an epic fight with the National Rifle Association. What they need — and often struggle to get — is political support and a bit of money.

Lost in the debate is that even in high-crime cities, the risk of gun violence is mostly concentrated among a small number of men. In Oakland, for instance, crime experts working with the police department a few years ago found that about 1,000 active members of a few dozen street groups drove most homicides. That’s .3 percent of Oakland’s population.

Two weeks after Obama unveiled his plan, (Pastor Michael) McBride and dozens of other clergy members, many of them from cities struggling with high rates of gun violence, met again with staffers from Vice President Biden’s task force.

The mood at the January 29 meeting was tense. Many of the attendees, including McBride, felt the president’s agenda had left out black Americans.

“The policy people working for Biden worked with the reality of Congress,” said Teny Gross, one of the original Boston Miracle outreach workers who now leads the Institute for Nonviolence Chicago. “What they were proposing to us was very limited and was not going to help the inner city.”

Gross said he “blew a gasket.” The clergy members in the room were pleading for help. “We bury hundreds of kids every year in the inner city,” Gross recalled them telling the administration representative. “Some of the solutions need to apply to us.”

A staffer said that the political will of the country was not focused on urban violence, several ministers who attended the meeting recalled.

“What was said to us by the White House was, there’s really no support nationally to address the issue of urban violence,” said the Rev. Charles Harrison, a pastor from Indianapolis. “The support was to address the issue of gun violence that affected suburban areas — schools where white kids were killed.”

The Rev. Jeff Brown, from Boston, was angered by the administration’s calculated approach. “When you say something like that and you represent the President of the United States, and the first African-American President of the United States, you know, that’s hugely disappointing,” he said.

It would seem that Obama’s a huge disappointment to a lot of people.

RTWT.  And especially the comments.

The Martian

I saw The Martian this morning with my dad, a former steely-eyed missile man himself.

Matt Damon or not, FREAKING OUTSTANDING film. Howard Tayler (of Schlock Mercenary fame) said of it

I’m now declaring that The Martian, (movie) is the best hard science fiction movie I have ever seen. It is not a perfect film, but it is an outstanding film that speaks the way only a film can, and uses the medium in ways that the very best films do.

I concur.

I will be seeing it on the big screen again.


So the EPA “accidentally” released 3 million gallons of toxic spill into the Animas river.  It was completely unintentional.  No one could have predicted it.

Except someone did.  Seven days before the spill.

Why did he predict this would happen?

The “grand experiment” in my opinion will fail.  And guess what (EPA representative) Mr. Hestmark will say then?

Gee, “Plan A” didn’t work so I guess we will have to build a treatment plant at a cost to taxpayers of $100 million to $500 million (who knows).

Reading between the lines, I believe that has been the EPA’s plan all along.  The proposed Red & Bonita plugging plan has been their way of getting a foot in the door to justify their hidden agenda for construction of a treatment plant.  After all, with a budget of $8.2 billion and 17,000 employees, the EPA needs new, big projects to feed the beast and justify their existence.

And it was in a dead-tree publication, no less!


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Quote of the Day – Top Gear Edition

Unless you’ve been living under a stump, you’re most likely aware that Clarkson, May and Hammond will be returning to the small screen via Amazon Video next year.  (And there was much rejoicing!  Yeaaaa!)

I stumbled across this QotD over at Quora.com under the question “What is so special about Top Gear that it has 385 million viewers worldwide?”

The secret is that Top Gear is not about cars. It’s about joy. About unabashedly, unashamedly enjoying life.

It also presents a positive image of masculinity, which is something that is entirely missing from everything else on television.– Rúnar Óli Bjarnason


Quote of the Day – Democratic Operatives with Bylines Edition

Seen at Glenn’s, courtesy of Ed Driscoll:

Modern journalism is all about deciding which facts the public shouldn’t know because they might reflect badly on Democrats. – Jim Treacher


The internet has gone a long way towards beating down the walls the gatekeepers seek to control, but it hasn’t succeeded yet in penetrating John and Jane Doe’s living rooms.  Far too many people still get all their “news” from ABCNNBCBS and the major newspapers.

The Siren Song of “Gun Control”

They never, ever stop, the Other Side™.  They sometimes retreat, sometimes quiet down, but they don’t stopRecent polls indicate that support for “gun control” has reached a modern nadir, but that is no excuse to relax.  Our ideological opponents still hold the media high ground and get paid to produce their pixels by the terabyte.  They are not going to quit.  They just switch tack and try a different angle, lather, rinse, repeat.  They’ve run out of “new,” so they keep recycling old ones.  Since the Newtown massacre didn’t result in public support for outright banning, the tack they are on now is the old, familiar “public health” angle.  Of course!  They have Surgeon General Vivek Murthy now, who will push this agenda once again.

Warning:  This is a mini-überpost.  It’s been a while.  Get a snack and a beverage and settle in, or skip on to the next blog on your list.

Mother Jones magazine recently ran an article entitled What Does Gun Violence Really Cost?  I was tempted to fisk the entire piece, but decided against.  I’m just going to point out some interesting facts.

The piece starts off with the story of Jennifer Longdon and David Rueckert of Phoenix, Arizona.  On November 15, 2004 this couple was involved in what appears to have been a minor traffic accident followed by a road-rage shooting.  Or a premeditated homicide attempt.  Or a case of gang violence and mistaken identity.  Nobody was ever arrested, so we will never know, but Rueckert was shot in the head, surviving with significant brain trauma.  Longdon was shot in the back and left paraplegic.

Due to the physical injuries, she was also left financially destitute.

So how much does “gun violence” cost America?  Well, we don’t really know for sure, Mother Jones tells us, but it’s something they calculate in excess of $229 billion – $700 per year for every man, woman and child in the country.

Surely, the story implies but does not outright state, something must be done!  We’re told:

Nobody, save perhaps for the hardcore gun lobby, doubts that gun violence is a serious problem.

Just so you know who the opposition is – the “hardcore gun lobby” – and why they shouldn’t matter.  Not convincing enough?

(S)olving a crisis, as any expert will tell you, begins with data. That’s why the US government over the years has assessed the broad economic toll of a variety of major problems. Take motor vehicle crashes: Using statistical models to estimate a range of costs both tangible and more abstract—from property damage and traffic congestion to physical pain and lost quality of life—the Department of Transportation (DOT) published a 300-page study estimating the “total value of societal harm” from this problem in 2010 at $871 billion. Similar research has been produced by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the impact of air pollution, by the Department of Health and Human Services on the costs of domestic violence, and so on. But the government has mostly been mute on the economic toll of gun violence. HHS has assessed firearm-related hospitalizations, but its data is incomplete because some states don’t require hospitals to track gunshot injuries among the larger pool of patients treated for open wounds. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has also periodically made estimates using hospital data, but based on narrow sample sizes and covering only the medical and lost-work costs of gun victims.

Why the lack of solid data? A prime reason is that the National Rifle Association and other influential gun rights advocates have long pressured political leaders to shut down research related to firearms.

At this point I’m going to drag out a couple of excerpts from some research done at the behest of the Carter Administration.  It’s one of my favorites, and I’ve quoted from it in this blog before.  They’re from the gun control meta-study published in 1983 as Under the Gun:  Weapons, Crime and Violence in America.  The “senior authors” of the study were James D. Wright, Professor of Human Relations, Dept. of Sociology for Tulane University and Peter H. Rossi, Professor of Sociology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and past president of the American Sociological Association.  These researchers weren’t exactly gun-rights supporters going in.  Here’s the first:

In 1978 the Social and Demographic Research Institute of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, received a grant from the National Institute of Justice to undertake a comprehensive review of the literature on weapons, crime, and violence in the United States. The purpose of the project is best described as a “sifting and winnowing” of the claims and counterclaims from both sides of the Great American Gun War – the perennial struggle in American political life over what to do, if anything, about guns, about violence, and about crime. The review and analysis of the available studies consumed the better part of three years; the results of this work are contained in this volume.

The intention of any review is to take stock of the available fund of knowledge in some topical area. Under the Gun is no different: our goal has been to glean from the volumes of previous studies those facts that, in our view, seem firmly and certainly established; those hypotheses that seem adequately supported by, or at least approximately consistent with, the best available research evidence; and those areas or topics about which, it seems, we need to know a lot more than we do. One of our major conclusions can be stated in advance: despite the large number of studies that have been done, many critically important questions have not been adequately researched, and some of them have not been examined at all.

Much of the available research in the area of weapons and crime has been done by advocates for one or another policy position. As a consequence, the manifest intent of many “studies” is to persuade rather than to inform.

(My emphasis.)

If the “research” has an agenda, then how valid (and therefore valuable) can it be?  But here’s the second excerpt:

The progressive’s indictment of American firearms policy is well known and is one that both the senior authors of this study once shared. This indictment includes the following particulars:

(1) Guns are involved in an astonishing number of crimes in this country.
(2) In other countries with stricter firearms laws and fewer guns in private hands, gun crime is rare.
(3) Most of the firearms involved in crime are cheap Saturday Night Specials, for which no legitimate use or need exists.
(4) Many families acquire such a gun because they feel the need to protect themselves; eventually they end up shooting one another.
(5) If there were fewer guns around, there would obviously be less crime.
(6) Most of the public also believes this and has favored stricter gun control laws for as long as anyone has asked the question.
(7) Only the gun lobby prevents us from embarking on the road to a safer and more civilized society.

Again, my emphasis.  Research is being defunded?  The gun lobby is preventing us from embarking on the road to a safer and more civilized society!  They deny gun violence is a serious problem!  They’re deniers!  Which seems to be the ultimate insult these days, consensus über alles, after all.

The story also includes a link to another piece detailing not only Jennifer Longdon’s story, but those of seven other people.  In the interests of accurate demographics: four more women and three men.  Three of the victims are black – one male, two female.

Here are the pertinent details:

Victim 1 – Antonius Wiriadjaja, Brooklyn, New York.  Bystander to a domestic violence shooting, caught a stray round.  “$169,000 for medical care, physical therapy and counseling.”

Victim 2 – Kamari Ridgle, Richmond, California (a suburb of San Francisco).  A 15 year-old shot in a drive-by after he “had just left a liquor store….”  What’s a 15 year-old doing in a liquor store?  Kid was hit 22 times – and survived.  “$1.5 million for medical care.”

Victim 3 – Philip Russo,  Alturas, California (rural NE corner of CA).  His wife was killed by a rampage shooter.  He lost his job because he worked security at the county jail where her killer was placed awaiting trial – for her safety.  “$83,000 in lost household income.”

Victim 4 – Pamela Bosley of Chicago, IL.  Lost a son to what appears to be gang-related violence.  No evidence her son was a gang member.  “$23,500 in medical care and counseling for family.”

Victim 5 – BJ Ayers, Cheyenne, Wyoming.  Lost two sons to suicide.  “$35,000 in state-funded emergency care” for one of them before he expired.

Victim 6 – Paris Brown, East Oakland, California.  Son killed in gang-related shooting.  “$10,000 in grief counseling.”

Victim 7 – The aforementioned Jennifer Longdon, Phoenix, AZ.  “$40,000 in wheelchair modifications to her home.”  That’s in addition to her medical costs and lost wages.

Victim 8 – Caheri Gutierrez, also of Oakland, CA.  Apparently caught a stray round in the face from a nearby gang shooting.  “$120,000 for hospitalization and reconstructive surgeries.”

New York, 1.  California, 4.  Illinois, 1.  Arizona, 1.  Wyoming, 1. Two suicides, one domestic violence, one rampage shooter, four gang-related, one unknown.

Does Mother Jones offer any suggestions?  Of course not.  Their story is that, because of the “gun lobby” we don’t have sufficient data to “solve (the) crisis.”  They do state, however:

Our investigation also begins to illuminate the economic toll for individual states. Louisiana has the highest gun homicide rate in the nation, with costs per capita of more than $1,300. Wyoming has a small population but the highest overall rate of gun deaths—including the nation’s highest suicide rate—with costs working out to about $1,400 per resident. Among the four most populous states, the costs per capita in the gun rights strongholds of Florida and Texas outpace those in more strictly regulated California and New York. Hawaii and Massachusetts, with their relatively low gun ownership rates and tight gun laws, have the lowest gun death rates, and costs per capita roughly a fifth as much as those of the states that pay the most.

For those of you slow on the uptake:  Strict gun control/low gun ownership = Good. Lax gun control/high gun ownership = Bad.

In other words, “There are too many guns.”

It’s their mantra, their single article of faith.

Yet here’s what the article doesn’t bother to mention:

Non-fatal “gun violence” peaked here in the U.S. in 1994, with a “per 100,000 population” rate of 7.4.  It has declined, almost non-stop, ever since.  In 2011 the rate was 1.8/100,000 – less than one-quarter the rate in 1994.  Homicide (all causes) peaked in 1992 at 9.3/100,000.  In 2011 it was 4.7 – the “lowest level since 1963.”

And this occurred without any significant gun control legislation during that period, and in the face of an additional 93,000,000 privately-owned firearms entering circulation during that period.  The “assault weapon ban” (that wasn’t)?  Even FactCheck.org admits:

That the law did not have much of an impact on overall gun crime came as little surprise, (Christopher S.) Koper said.  For one, assault weapons were used in only 2 percent of gun crimes before the ban. And second, existing weapons were grandfathered, meaning there were an estimated 1.5 million pre-ban assault weapons and 25 million to 50 million large-capacity magazines still in the U.S.

Since the “ban” ended in 2004 (and “modern sporting rifles” have become the largest single segment in long-gun sales), violent crime has continued to trend down.

More guns, less crime.

And I’ve already covered the lie that there are “more guns, fewer gun owners.”

But Mother Jones believes you don’t need to know that.  You just need to know that “gun violence” costs “$229 billion a year,” and the “gun lobby” not only doesn’t care, but denies funding for research so that we can solve the problem!

A problem that has been cut in half or more over the last twenty years as no significant “gun control” laws have been passed, and laws relaxing the standards for legal carriage have been spreading.

THAT’S not news.

Because that doesn’t affect the real problem:  Too.  Many.  Guns.

Not  Too.  Many.  Criminals.

If Mother Jones was actually interested in reducing “gun violence,” then they wouldn’t be concentrating on what it costs Joe and Jane Average, or even Joe and Jane Victim, they’d address the ten-ton elephant in the room:  young black male violence.

Look at their list of victims again.  Out of eight (we assume “typical”) survivors of “gun violence,” one is a young black male, one is the mother of a deceased young black male.

They’re overwhelmingly the victims of violent crime.  In 2013, according to the CDC, black males 34 and younger made up 30% of all homicide victims, 10% of all non-lethal assault victims.

Yet young black men are only 3.5 percent of the national population.

Let’s put that in perspective:  If the homicide rate for black men 34 and younger, currently (2013) estimated at 43.9 per 100,000 population, were reduced to the current national rate of 5.1/100,000, 4,245 lives would be saved.

And the national homicide rate would be reduced to 3.76/100,000.

But apparently pointing that fact out is RACIST!™ so no one in the media does.

When you have a disease that kills a specific, easily identifiable population at rates over eight times the rest of the population, epidemiologists (otherwise known as “public health experts”) call that a clue.

Instead, it seems, the Powers That Be™ are making the situation worse:

The nation’s two-decades-long crime decline may be over. Gun violence in particular is spiraling upward in cities across America. In Baltimore, the most pressing question every morning is how many people were shot the previous night. Gun violence is up more than 60% compared with this time last year, according to Baltimore police, with 32 shootings over Memorial Day weekend. May has been the most violent month the city has seen in 15 years.

In Milwaukee, homicides were up 180% by May 17 over the same period the previous year. Through April, shootings in St. Louis were up 39%, robberies 43%, and homicides 25%. “Crime is the worst I’ve ever seen it,” said St. Louis Alderman Joe Vacarro at a May 7 City Hall hearing.

Murders in Atlanta were up 32% as of mid-May. Shootings in Chicago had increased 24% and homicides 17%. Shootings and other violent felonies in Los Angeles had spiked by 25%; in New York, murder was up nearly 13%, and gun violence 7%.

Those citywide statistics from law-enforcement officials mask even more startling neighborhood-level increases. Shooting incidents are up 500% in an East Harlem precinct compared with last year; in a South Central Los Angeles police division, shooting victims are up 100%.

Why is violence climbing in these cities?

The most plausible explanation of the current surge in lawlessness is the intense agitation against American police departments over the past nine months.

Since last summer, the airwaves have been dominated by suggestions that the police are the biggest threat facing young black males today. A handful of highly publicized deaths of unarmed black men, often following a resisted arrest—including Eric Garner in Staten Island, N.Y., in July 2014, Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., in August 2014 and Freddie Gray in Baltimore last month—have led to riots, violent protests and attacks on the police.

And who is it that’s dying?

Young. Black. Men.

And what’s the reaction?

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“Gun control” is not a “public health issue.” Even if it were, public health advocates are not handling it as though it is. The “public health” angle on “gun control” is being handled the same way AIDS was in the 1980’s – by attacking the wrong things and willfully, actively denying that the problem is behavioral and highly concentrated in a small, easily identifiable demographic – because to do so would be Politically Incorrect.

Instead we get smoke screens about “costs” designed to make us wring our hands and look to the guys in white lab coats for solutions.

UPDATE:  I’m no fan of John Lott, but the numbers are the numbers.  It appears that Heather Mac Donald’s piece, linked above, is in error. That does not, however, affect the rest of the post.

“But What About Free Will?”

I caught the movie Tomorrowland at a matinee on Saturday.  If you haven’t seen it yet, or if you don’t want spoilers, then don’t go below the break, but let me say that it was not the film I was expecting.

Nor was it the Politically Correct Social Justice Warrior Global Warming propaganda piece some are claiming.

Again, here be spoilers.  You have been warned.

You’ve probably seen the trailers.  Young girl touches medallion, gets transported (in spirit if not in body) to Tomorrowland where everything is clean, beautiful, high-tech, awesome.  She meets a curmudgeon who can somehow get her there, but they’re being pursued by Evil Forces.

All that’s there.

What I didn’t expect, however, was the morality tale it DID contain.

Now, perhaps I don’t read the right kind of science fiction, but one thing the movie asks that I haven’t seen asked before is “Where’s the hope?”

(SPOILER!)  George Clooney’s character asks the question, “What would you do if I could tell you exactly the date and time you were going to die?” (Paraphrased from memory, but that is the gist of the question.)  Seems he’s invented a machine that allows him to see into the future – and the future is grim.  Grim with a probability of 100.00 percent.  Past this date there be dragons. (Figuratively, not literally.)

But when the young girl responds, “How could you know?  What about free will?” the probability indicator drops to 99.94%.

I was reminded of this scene from 2011’s The Adjustment Bureau:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKhvl2MjO9E?rel=0&controls=0]
In this film the equivalent role of “Thompson” is played by Hugh Laurie as “Governor Dix.”

I was also reminded of last year’s “The Giver.”  Here’s the key scene from that film:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEDu9jVpUjI?rel=0&controls=0]
It seems over in Tomorrowland they built a machine to broadcast subconscious warnings to us here on Earth of the coming apocalypse.

Humanity’s response?

We internalized the message.  We embraced it.  Hell, we commercialized it.  Disaster movies, zombies movies and TV shows, post-apocalyptic fiction. (Have you ever read Cormac McCarthy’s The Road?) Terrorism and jihad.  War and famine.  On and on.

Earlier in the film the protagonist is shown in her various high school classes being lectured on:  Global Warming, the population bomb, Mutual Assured Destruction and the new threat of nuclear terrorism, etc.  Throughout it all, she has her hand up, but is only called on in the last scene.  “Who’s trying to fix it?” she asks.

There is no answer.

For at least the first 150 years of this nation (1860-65 notwithstanding) the overwhelming national outlook was optimistic.  We could go anywhere, do anything.  Hell, in 1962 John F. Kennedy challenged us to send a man to the Moon and return him safely to the earth before 1970 – and we did.  We went from a colonial backwater to the most powerful nation on Earth in the relative blink of an eye because, I believe, of one idea:  “the pursuit of happiness.”

And in the meantime those who believe “we choose wrong – always” have done everything in their power to choose for us, to remove our ability to choose for ourselves.  The message of “The Adjustment Bureau” was that if not for “The Chairman” and the Bureau, humanity would have destroyed the Earth. We needed to be brought along into adulthood by some Higher Power. The idea behind “The Giver” was that we had pretty much destroyed ourselves, and only through the administration of The Elders had this small enclave of civilization survived by essentially removing emotion, choice, hell even thought.

Tomorrowland asks, I think, “When did we stop hoping? And why don’t we do something about that?

It’s a good question, and it shouldn’t get lost in hysterics over political correctness.

UPDATE:  Bill Whittle, however, makes some good points.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmxeoh69G4o?rel=0&controls=0]


Simply put, gun control cannot survive without an accompanying sea of disinformation. – Anonymous (But accurate.)

And The Other Side™ follows the mantra of “repeat the lie and it will eventually be believed.”

SayUncle points to another example of this, from today’s Washington Post, America has more guns in fewer hands than ever before​. Opening paragraphs:

You’ve probably heard by now that the Obama administration has been a boon to the U.S. firearm industry. Gun manufacturers boosted production by 31 percent between 2011 and 2012. National tragedies from Newtown to Ferguson are accompanied by stories of surging gun sales.

But data released this week from the General Social Survey, widely regarded as the gold standard for social science survey research, shows that in 2014, the number of American households owning guns remained at 40-year lows.

Except I’ve been there, fisked that before. May, 2013: DECLINING GUN OWNERSHIP!!

Yes, the General Social Survey says a smaller percentage of households contain guns than at some time in the past. However, Gallup says gun ownership is up.  Either way, the total number of households has increased over time, resulting in the TOTAL NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS CONTAINING GUNS INCREASING, so there are MORE guns in MORE hands than ever before – the exact opposite of the WaPo headline.

But that doesn’t fit the Narrative of gun owners as The Other, a declining demographic of middle-aged overweight white men with “low sloping foreheads” that will eventually die off and can therefore be dismissed.

The Left and the media (but I repeat myself) depends on the general population’s stupidity.