Quote of the Day – Daniel Greenfield

From Sultan KnishSo That This Never Happens Again:

The edifice of government towers over public life. It is built for fighting systems, groups and “Isms'” and it can be used to ban guns, lock up the mentally ill or launch another one of its incessant public education campaigns. Its ability to stop an individual bent on causing harm to other individuals is highly limited at best.

That is where the illusion of control breaks down. The system can promise to stop gun violence, but it can’t stop a man with a gun. All it can do is exploit the tragedy for more power. Only individuals can stop individuals. The only control we can possibly have comes from living in a society where the people do the right thing… and are empowered to do the right thing.

But that is not the society that the gun-controllers and police-staters want to create. The society they want is a place where everyone sits quietly, offers no resistance, contacts the authorities and waits for the accredited branches of the government to do something. A place where everyone knows that if they do something, they may be arrested or sued by the criminal afterward. A place where people are expected to be willing to die, but not fight back.

That’s (formerly) Great Britain. 

Fuck THAT.

Quote of the Day – Victor Davis Hanson

From Works and DaysThe Demons of the Modern Rampage Killer:

If the suspect is charged and found guilty, I have zero confidence that he will be hanged. I have a great deal of confidence that over the next five years, his awful presence will pop up on a news broadcast. We can execute bin Laden and high-five it; we can incinerate over 2,000 suspected terrorists by video-controlled Predators, and have the president brag about it in warning away suitors from his daughters at a White House Correspondents’ Dinner— but we cannot do the same for someone who was tried, convicted, and sentenced for horrifically destroying people.

We the sophisticated with university degrees are supposed to know better: that hanging such a nightmarish criminal when convicted is both barbaric on our part and offers no statistical evidence that it will deter future such killers.

Perhaps. But society needs to be affirmed with a certainty that it has the clear sense of evil and good to try, convict, and punish the killer. Hanging Saddam or Eichmann, for all the controversies over their trials, at least offered some finality: they were evil and now are no more—and now we don’t worry whether Saddam was unloved, or the circumstances of Eichmann’s childhood.

In other words, I don’t care a whit whether the Aurora killer was a loner. I don’t care if he was unhappy or if he was on medication. Millions share such pathologies without killing a mouse. I don’t even know whether giving him swift justice will deter the next mass shooter. Yes, give the suspect expert legal counsel; call in all the psychiatrists imaginable; sequester the jury; ensure the judge is a pillar of jurisprudence; but if he is found guilty, I would prefer the gallows and quickly so, to remind us that we live in a civilization that prefers to remember the victims and to remember nothing at all of their killer.

Can I get an “AMEN!”?


I took my grandson to see Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter on its opening weekend. When we got to the theater, I took my Kel-Tec PF9 out of the center console (in a pocket holster) and put it in my pants pocket. He saw. “You carry a gun in the theater?” he asked. “It’s my job to protect you,” I replied.

Now I have to practice head-shots with the thing. Maybe I ought to get the laser…

Guns and the “Alternative Media,” Part II

The local alt.weekly‘s latest edition was dedicated to memorializing the first anniversary of the January 8 rampage shooting here in Tucson that left six dead and thirteen wounded, including Democratic Representative Gabrielle Giffords, the primary target of the attack. Surprisingly, there wasn’t a whole lot said about gun control other than in the context of keeping guns out of the hands of nutcases, but they couldn’t let the entire issue go out without at least one philippic on the topic.

It’s been a while.  Let us fisk:

Guns Galore: After Jan. 8, the firearms race didn’t miss a beat – by Tim Vanderpool

Scott Zike makes black holsters for pistols, assault rifles and any other manner of weapon in between. And he’s selling them with a vengeance on this gray December morning, his inventory dangling overhead like so many dead crows.

Someone makes holsters for assault rifles? Wouldn’t they be difficult on the draw?

His decidedly niche market became even more specialized over the past year. “One thing that happened was that people wanted my large magazine pouches because they wanted to use the 33-round mags,” he says. “So I was making the large pouches to fit over those extreme mags.”

Wow. How many people did Vanderpool have to interview before he came up with one who would call the 33-round Glock magazine “extreme”? Or did he? (I keep picturing exploding GM gas tanks and typeset Air National Guard memos….)

He links this blossoming demand directly to the Jan. 8 shootings. That mass carnage was due in no small part to the fact that alleged shooter Jared Lee Loughner fitted his Glock pistol with a high-capacity, 33-round magazine.

Yes, Loughner couldn’t possibly have killed and injured so many people with two seventeen round magazines. Or four ten round magazines.

Or a Ryder truck loaded with fertilizer and diesel fuel.

Rather than dampening gun sales, the Safeway shootings have apparently heightened paranoia that new gun restrictions would soon follow. For gun enthusiasts, the logical impulse is to buy what you can, while you can.

That perspective is not baseless. For instance, the oversized magazines that expedited Jared Loughner’s rampage and plumped up Scott Zike’s bottom line were outlawed as part of federal assault-weapons ban in 1994—although that prohibition was allowed to expire in 2004 under the watch of then-President George W. Bush.

Let’s examine this one, disregarding the fact that the law prohibited the manufacture of new magazines of more than 10-round capacity and had no effect (except in price) on existing stock.

The Democratic Party’s 2000 National Platform included this gun control plank:

Democrats passed the Brady Law and the Assault Weapons Ban. We increased federal, state, and local gun crime prosecution by 22 percent since 1992. Now gun crime is down by 35 percent. Now we must do even more. We need mandatory child safety locks. We should require a photo license I.D., a background check, and a gun safety test to buy a new handgun. We support more federal gun prosecutors and giving states and communities another 10,000 prosecutors to fight gun crime.

Their 2004 platform included this:

We will protect Americans’ Second Amendment right to own firearms, and we will keep guns out of the hands of criminals and terrorists by fighting gun crime, reauthorizing the assault weapons ban, and closing the gun show loophole, as President Bush proposed and failed to do.

The language was almost unchanged in the 2008 Platform.

Now from 1994 through 2005 the Republicans controlled both houses of Congress, but Democrats took back the House and Senate in 2006. Bush had promised to sign a renewal of the ban if it was presented to him. President Obama has also stated a desire to reinstate the ban.

The Democrat-controlled Congress failed to present either President with such legislation.

But it’s Bush’s fault.

Just wanted to make that clear.

“Anyone who wants a gun for any type of purpose can go to a gun show, knowing there will not even be the semblance of a gun check,” says Elliot Glicksman, a prominent Tucson attorney who specializes in representing crime victims.

Which is, of course, complete bullshit. Yes, you can do a private-party sale where there can be no background check, as individuals don’t have access to the system by law, but if you buy a gun from a licensed dealer, you go through the same background check as if you were in a gun shop.  And you can do a private party sale anywhere, not just at a gun show.

And he knows this.

He should also be aware of the fact that gun shows represent a tiny portion of the source of guns used in crime. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics:

Inmates serving time in state prisons during 1997 said they obtained their guns from the following sources in percentages:

Purchased from a retail store 8.3 percent
Purchased at a pawn shop 3.8
Purchased at a flea market 1.0
Purchased in a gun show 0.7
Obtained from friends or family 39.6
Got on the street/illegal source 39.2

The percentage of inmates who bought their guns from a retail store fell from 21 percent in 1991, when the last such survey was conducted to 14 percent in 1997. At the same time the percentage who obtained their firearms from family or friends rose from 34 percent in 1991 to 40 percent in 1997.

Less than one percent. I guess that “gun show loophole” really is a big problem. And the Tucson shooter got his Glock from a the gun department of a Sportsman’s Warehouse.  He underwent that background check, for all the good it did.

But facts don’t matter much when you’re talking about “gun control.”

Glicksman’s caseload is grim testimony to the extent of gun violence. “I deal with this stuff all the time,” he says, “and to me, it seems unbelievable that we live in a place where people really believe there should be no limit on who gets guns and what kind of guns they get.”

Yeah, we think everyone should be able to buy a belt-fed from a vending machine. In elementary school.  Hyperbole much?

Other reform advocates have personally felt the impacts of gun violence. It was 30 years ago that Susan Agrillo’s sister was gunned down in Chicago during a botched mugging. Now a prosecutor with the Tucson City Attorney’s Office, Agrillo spent years working toward even minimal firearms control.

She says her efforts were blocked at nearly every step by the National Rifle Association. “They have a lot of money, a lot of lobbyists, and they influence our legislators.”

Good. That’s what me and about four million other people pay them to do.

To Agrillo, the NRA’s clout overshadows public sentiment. “Most people want reasonable gun control,” she says, “and that’s been the case since I started doing this 30 years ago.”

Sure they do. Until you tell them what you have in mind, whereupon they respond “Not THAT!” because what you consider “reasonable” and what “most people” consider reasonable are not congruent. You’ll note that, 30 years on and after all the “reasonable gun control” the anti-gunners could ask for, Chicago is still one of the most dangerous cities for gun violence in the country. How’s that gun control working out for you, Ms. Agrillo?

Judging from the December Tucson gun show, that’s also likely to be the case for years to come. On this day, NRA volunteers are out in full force, renewing memberships and hustling raffle tickets for a $400, .40-caliber Taurus handgun.

Among those volunteers is Jim Coniglio, a retired electrical engineer, a weapons instructor and an NRA lifer. “When you have very strict gun controls such as in Washington, D.C., and New York City,” he says, “there’s more crime there with criminals having guns and people being defenseless.”

Chicago being a prime case.

From that perspective, growing gun sales since Jan. 8 should surprise no one. “I think on Black Friday after Thanksgiving, they even set a record with gun sales to women,” Coniglio says.

To him, the logic driving that trend is a no-brainer. “Would you prefer to call 911—and wait for an hour, and maybe a cop will show up—as your wife is being attacked by some guy?”

You’ll note that the author, Tim Vanderpool, didn’t bother to answer that question.

Sarah McKinley answered it for him on New Year’s Eve.

The massacre in the Safeway parking lot here in Tucson last year was a tragedy, no doubt about it. But the father of nine year-old victim Christina-Taylor Green was right when he said:

This shouldn’t happen in this country, or anywhere else, but in a free society we’re going to be subject to people like this. I prefer this to the alternative.

Defending the Weak

Unless I’m very much mistaken, the “Grim” who penned the recent Blackfive piece, Defending the Weak is the very same Grim who said “It’s most important that all potential victims be as dangerous as they can.”

Commenting on the recent mass-murder in Norway, Grim reiterates:

When (the shooter) began shooting, everyone ran.
That last factor alone is responsible for almost all of the dead.  A tight group of young men taught to run at danger instead of away from it could have overpowered him almost at once.

As that did not happen, he had a clear field of fire and a target rich environment.  As that started a panic, probably some were trampled and others drowned.  The police did not arrive for a long time, giving him time to finish what he had begun — but the police will never be around when one of these mass killings happens, unless it is targeted at them specifically.  It is always easy to find a soft target if you want one, even in a police state.

The key lesson to mass shootings is that the whole of our societies must remember their duty to fight for the common peace and lawful order.  We must all do it.  We must train for it, and we must equip ourselves as well as the law and our natural abilities permit.  This is the duty of a citizen.  It is a duty that cannot be delegated to the police or to the military.  It must be borne by all of us.  We must train our sons for this duty also.  In a dangerous world, this alone is what makes civilization possible.

I refer once again to Sir Robert Peel’s Nine Principles of Modern Policing, specifically Rule 7:

Police, at all times, should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.

Western civilization has abandoned the idea that the safety of the public is incumbent on the public itself.  It’s not just the police who should maintain that relationship.  Relationships go both ways.

Yes, had a group of young men charged the shooter, some of them would have been wounded or killed.  But no one charged the shooter, and literally dozens are dead.

Edit:  It would appear that I’ve disturbed James Kelly again.   Good.

Quote of the Day – Heartwrenching Edition

This shouldn’t happen in this country, or anywhere else, but in a free society we’re going to be subject to people like this. I prefer this to the alternative. – John Green, father of 9 year old Christina Green

Christina was slain Saturday by the nutjob who tried to assassinate Congresswoman Giffords here in Tucson.  Quoted on Sunday’s Today Show in a clip at Reason online.  Watch the whole piece.

Found via SayUncle.

UPDATE:  The video is currently available on YouTube:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXZOGNhw6p8?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0&w=640&h=385]

Thanks to Linoge for the pointer.