I Love Me My Bloom County
I still have a copy of “Night of the Mary Kay Commandos”. And PVP is one of my daily reads now.
The Smallest Minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities. – Ayn Rand
I Love Me My Bloom County
I still have a copy of “Night of the Mary Kay Commandos”. And PVP is one of my daily reads now.
And while we’re hammering on banks (and the “RACIST!” canard), Black & Right points us to this (*ahem*) rather insensitive credit card application:
(Click to embiggen)
Someone wasn’t thinking, I suspect.
Or maybe they were . . . 😉
As Promised
Here are some pictures of my new (20 year old) Pony. (Look! A pony! 😉
It’s originally an El Paso car, but it ended up in Surprise, AZ a few years ago, made a short trip to Missouri, and then came back to Arizona for me to buy. Like I said, not bad from twenty feet away, but it needs a lot of stuff both inside and out. Should be fun!
“You are evil thieving bastards.”
Dvorak (mentioned below) also had this video posted (he’s not a complete jerk), and I’m going to help spread it around:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGC1mCS4OVo&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0&w=640&h=505]
If I recall correctly, RobertaX has been having similar problems with BofA and her mortgage, too.
It’s about time BofA got their asses handed to them.
For those unfamiliar, John C. Dvorak is a tech-head writer, a contributor to PC Magazine (which is where I first found him) and according to Wikipedia:
Dvorak has been a columnist for Boardwatch, Forbes, Forbes.com, MacUser, MicroTimes, PC/Computing, Barron’s Magazine, Smart Business, and Vancouver Sun. (The MicroTimes column ran under the banner Dvorak’s Last Column.) He has written for the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, MacMania Networks, International Herald Tribune, San Francisco Examiner and The Philadelphia Inquirer among numerous other publications.
I occasionally check his blog, and I did today, finding two posts interestingly juxtaposed. The first one I came to was this one: School kids taught to praise Obama (Video). Apparently he found it a bit . . . disturbing, as he commented:
Expect this to show up on Beck, O’Reilly and the other right-wingers. Hmm… could this have been staged by them?
The next post in line was the story of the Census taker in Kentucky found hanging from a tree (I would say “hanged” but we don’t know yet if that was the cause of death, or just display). That piece he entitled Murdering federal workers still an acceptable all-American sport? and commented:
Census work wasn’t Sparkman’s full-time job. He also was a substitute teacher and an Eagle Scout who volunteered for the Boy Scouts.
Obviously part of the Socialist Conspiracy.
I have to ask, tit-for-tat, could this have been perpetrated by Leftist ACORN workers (but I repeat myself) to impugn the Right and draw off some of the attention they’ve been getting recently? After all, ACORN workers were going to be doing census work until the scandals broke.
I mean, it only seems logical to ask, given Dvorak’s first suggestion.
Oh, I forgot – only the RIGHT WING does character-assassination and real murder! Silly me!
What Caliber Do You Use?
XKCD strikes again!
I Feel Better Now
Almost a year ago I sold my ’67 Mustang. I’d had it almost eleven years, and it had been sitting, collecting dust in my garage for the last five of those years. It was time to pass it on to someone who would run her and enjoy her. I was too worried about wrecking her, or some other disaster to really enjoy her.
But I love Mustangs. My first one was a 1988 LX 5.0 that I bought in ’88 with about 5,000 miles on the clock – a repo, I’m pretty sure. I drove it until 1999 when I traded it in, with about 130,000 miles on it, for a brand-new Ford Ranger pickup. But I already had the ’67 in the garage.
So, in the midst of my mid-life crisis, I decided I needed another Mustang. I searched for a couple of months on eBay, Craigslist and local auto-trader magazines, and didn’t come up with much. For one thing, Kelly Blue Book goes out the window on Mustangs. Either that, or people are freaking crazy when it comes to what they think their pony is worth.
But I found a 1989 GT just South of town in fair shape, 193k miles, still runs pretty strong, though it needs a lot of work. It’s going to be my project car for the next four or five years. I’ll try to post some pictures tomorrow – it’s black, and I didn’t get it home until almost dusk. It looks pretty good from 20 feet away, but it’s definitely a car that’s seen almost 200,000 miles. Plus it got a Maaco paint job a couple of years ago, and it’s not the best. It needs lots and lots of little things, and a few big ones, but that’s half the fun.
Damn, it feels good to have a Mustang again.
“Deputies believe alcohol was involved.”
No, really? And Darwin. Definitely Darwin:
An Imperial man is dead after accidentally shooting himself in the head while teaching his girlfriend firearms safety.
Sheriff Glenn Boyer said that on Friday, deputies responded to 4307 Rock Valley Court in Imperial for a shooting. Investigators found 40-year-old James Looney with a gunshot wound to the head.
According to witnesses, Looney was demonstrating how to use the different safety mechanisms on several guns to his girlfriend. The witnesses said Looney would put the guns to his head, and before pulling the trigger, would ask her if she thought the gun would go off. With the first two guns, the safety mechanisms worked. The third gun fired.
Looney was transported to an area hospital, where he was pronounced dead the next morning.
According to witnesses, Looney was going to take his girlfriend to the shooting range the next day, but insisted on the lesson on firearm safety the day before.
Deputies believe alcohol was involved.
I keep hearing “Hold my beer and watch THIS!”
At least the idiot died in this incident.
Quote of the Day
Seen at AR15.com:
If Michael Moore thinks capitalism is evil
Why does he charge you to see his films?
Damned fine question.