
For those unfamiliar, John C. Dvorak is a tech-head writer, a contributor to PC Magazine (which is where I first found him) and according to Wikipedia:

Dvorak has been a columnist for Boardwatch, Forbes, Forbes.com, MacUser, MicroTimes, PC/Computing, Barron’s Magazine, Smart Business, and Vancouver Sun. (The MicroTimes column ran under the banner Dvorak’s Last Column.) He has written for the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, MacMania Networks, International Herald Tribune, San Francisco Examiner and The Philadelphia Inquirer among numerous other publications.

I occasionally check his blog, and I did today, finding two posts interestingly juxtaposed. The first one I came to was this one: School kids taught to praise Obama (Video). Apparently he found it a bit . . . disturbing, as he commented:

Expect this to show up on Beck, O’Reilly and the other right-wingers. Hmm… could this have been staged by them?

The next post in line was the story of the Census taker in Kentucky found hanging from a tree (I would say “hanged” but we don’t know yet if that was the cause of death, or just display). That piece he entitled Murdering federal workers still an acceptable all-American sport? and commented:

Census work wasn’t Sparkman’s full-time job. He also was a substitute teacher and an Eagle Scout who volunteered for the Boy Scouts.

Obviously part of the Socialist Conspiracy.

I have to ask, tit-for-tat, could this have been perpetrated by Leftist ACORN workers (but I repeat myself) to impugn the Right and draw off some of the attention they’ve been getting recently? After all, ACORN workers were going to be doing census work until the scandals broke.

I mean, it only seems logical to ask, given Dvorak’s first suggestion.

Oh, I forgot – only the RIGHT WING does character-assassination and real murder! Silly me!

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