Unless I’m very much mistaken, the “Grim” who penned the recent Blackfive piece, Defending the Weak is the very same Grim who said “It’s most important that all potential victims be as dangerous as they can.”
Commenting on the recent mass-murder in Norway, Grim reiterates:
When (the shooter) began shooting, everyone ran.
That last factor alone is responsible for almost all of the dead. A tight group of young men taught to run at danger instead of away from it could have overpowered him almost at once.As that did not happen, he had a clear field of fire and a target rich environment. As that started a panic, probably some were trampled and others drowned. The police did not arrive for a long time, giving him time to finish what he had begun — but the police will never be around when one of these mass killings happens, unless it is targeted at them specifically. It is always easy to find a soft target if you want one, even in a police state.
The key lesson to mass shootings is that the whole of our societies must remember their duty to fight for the common peace and lawful order. We must all do it. We must train for it, and we must equip ourselves as well as the law and our natural abilities permit. This is the duty of a citizen. It is a duty that cannot be delegated to the police or to the military. It must be borne by all of us. We must train our sons for this duty also. In a dangerous world, this alone is what makes civilization possible.
I refer once again to Sir Robert Peel’s Nine Principles of Modern Policing, specifically Rule 7:
Police, at all times, should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.
Western civilization has abandoned the idea that the safety of the public is incumbent on the public itself. It’s not just the police who should maintain that relationship. Relationships go both ways.
Yes, had a group of young men charged the shooter, some of them would have been wounded or killed. But no one charged the shooter, and literally dozens are dead.
Edit: It would appear that I’ve disturbed James Kelly again. Good.