It’s raining!!  First time since… hell, I don’t remember!  Temperature has dropped from 107° to 86° in less than an hour, and then the rain hit.

 photo Weather7-3-14.gif

Small & quick.  Let’s hope it takes another run at us.

Quote of the Day – Damning with Faint Praise Edition

I’m actually considering the latest Transformers film. Howard Tayler, author of the webcomic Schlock Mercenary, says it “…fails to clear the Threshold of Disappointment.”

But that’s not the QotD. This, from the Road & Track magazine review of the film is:

The Wahlberg/Pelz/Reynor triangle, incidentally, is an exact clone of the Bruce Willis/Liv Tyler/Ben Affleck relationship from Bay’s Armageddon. He makes it work. At no point did I actively root for any of them to die as I did through three Shia LaBeouf Transformer movies.

Given that glowing recommendation, I think I may go see it!


Titusville, Florida is where I grew up.  My family moved there in 1966 when I was four, and we left in 1974 when I was 12, so if I’m asked, that’s “where I’m from.”  My father worked for IBM’s Federal Systems Division as a quality engineer for the Saturn V Instrument Unit, the guidance system of the rocket.  We didn’t see dad a lot during those eight years.  After the last Saturn V launch put Skylab in orbit IBM no longer had a contract, and Dad had to transfer back to the division that made commercial products – this time the first of the grocery store laser scanner cash register systems.  We relocated to North Carolina.

Titusville was a great place to grow up during that period, but since the manned space program has been shut down, it’s fallen on pretty hard times, apparently.  I haven’t been there since my wife and I honeymooned in Florida in 1995.  We stayed at the Holiday Inn there the evening of August 3 when Hurricane Erin came ashore just a few miles South of the hotel. 

Good times.