OK, So, I Switched.

This is the first post at TSM using the new Blogger.

So how do I get rid of the fv*king “Nav Bar” at the top of the page? On the old blogger there was an option to delete it. Not on the new one! You can choose what color it is, but there’s no “delete” option.

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!

P.S. – Where the hell are my archives?!?!?

UPDATE: OK, that’s fixed, I guess, but I can see I need to do a whole lot of clean-up and maintenance stuff. Dammit.

Testing, testing, testing….

Is this thing on?

Apparently so. Too bad I managed to lose the opening essay it took me an HOUR to compose. Oh well. I’ll reconstruct it and put it back up later.

Welcome to The Smallest Minority, so named because most of the really good names Eject! Eject! Eject!, USS Clueless, Instapundit, Acidman, and so on were already taken. And while not a Randian, I accept a lot of Ayn Rand’s observations as accurate, and it was she who wrote: “The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.”

This blog is about the rights of individuals, that smallest of minorities, so it seemed apt.

More (hopefully MUCH more) to follow.