One Post Before Bed

One Post Before Bed

Here’s everyone who said they were coming to the 2nd Amendment Blog Bash, with the ones I know I met marked with an asterisk:

A Keyboard and a .45*
AIM Blog
An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings (She was there, I didn’t meet her.)
Angry White Boy
Another Gun Blog*
Bloggo the dog boy
Blue Grass, Red State
Call me Ahab* (With the charming and lovely Mrs. Ahab!)
Captain of a Crew of One*
Chicago Handgun Rights* (Poor Quixotic bastard… 😉
damnum absque injuria* (One of the 1% of lawyers that don’t suck!)
Dave Kopel* (And another!)
Days of our Trailers*
Elendil’s Journal
GreatBlueWhale* (Saw him, didn’t get to shake his hand.)
Gun Legislation & Politics in New York
Gun Owners Against Violence* (Nice lady! But her blog is down for the count.)
Gun Pundit*
Kentucky Progress
Mary Katharine Ham (Didn’t see her, dammit!)
Michael Bane*
Of Arms and the Law* (1% Lawyer in sandals!)
Osi Speaks!
Outdoor Wire*
Rustmeister’s Alehouse*
Sharp as a Marble* (FUNNY dude!)
Snowflakes in Hell*
Squeaky Wheel Seeks Grease* (Look! A pony! 😉
The Adventures of Roberta X (No, dammit.)
The Bitch Girls* (Well, the Bitter one, anyway.)
The Carden Chronicles
The Maddened Fowl
The Outdoor Newshound
The Outdoor Pressroom
The Ten Ring* (Both Denise and Yosemite Sam)
The Unforgiving Minute*
The View From North Central Idaho*
View From The Porch* (Yaaaa! Tam came back!)

I also got to meet Robert Cottrol, another one-percenter, and David E. Young. I spoke for a few minutes with Cam Edwards (who attended the GunBlogger’s Rendezvous once before, so this is the second time I’ve met him) I got to sit down for about thirty minutes and talk with Sandy Froman, too! A one-percenter in pumps!

Next year the Annual Meeting in in Phoenix – just about two hours up the road from here, so I’ll definitely be attending that one, so long as work does not interfere. (And it better not!)



I went out to dinner with Bitter, Sebastian, and Joe Huffman last night, then we stood around in the hotel parking lot until about 10:00PM talking (and yes, I’m very glad Joe is on our side!! 😉 before we called it a night. I awoke at 4:30AM (Eastern time) and got home about thirty minutes ago. It’s 11:30 Pacific time, but on that clock I’ve been up since 1:30 this morning.

My posterior is dragging.

I thought I’d walked my a** off at the convention, but somehow it found me again, and is dragging the ground like an anchor.

Now I need to move a bunch of files, go through a bunch of pictures, and do a bunch of posting, but I think that will happen during the remainder of this week. I also need to rearrange my blogroll, because the “Bloggers I’ve Met” section just got a LOT bigger, and I’m going to have to do away with the redundancies. (That left sidebar is quite crowded.)

More posting later – probably tomorrow. I’m wiped out.

On the Next Überpost.

Yes, I know I’ve been promising it for a while, but so far it’s gone through three iterations and I still don’t have it hammered out to a conclusion I can live with. This one’s very complex, and complicated by the fact that I’m currently reading Liberal Fascism which plays directly on the topic I’m writing about.

So I’m going to shelve it (again) until I can complete Liberal Fascism and get all my metaphorical ducks in a row. It seems like every day I find some new news article or old archived post by someone that I bookmark and stick in the file for this piece.

I think this one’s going to be long, even for me.

The current working title, if you’re interested, is “The George Orwell Daycare Center,” and it’s a much reworked and very extended takeoff from an earlier post, Philosophy melded with a more recent one, Human Reconstruction, the Healing of Souls, and the Remaking of Society, with a lot of other stuff mixed in, and a little RCOB thrown in for spice.

In the mean time, short filler posts. Sorry.

No News is Not Always Good News.

Well, it’s been a week and no response from my last email to Laura Washington. I guess she’s not going to respond, and there’s no chance for Reasoned Discourse™ with her. And I’ve heard nothing back from James Hupp as of yet, after two emails and another comment on his blog. I get the feeling he’s tied up in TSA hell after venting at an airline employee or six. It would be understandable. I’m hopeful this discussion will still occur, but that hope is beginning to wane.

Anyway, I’m back from my business trip, and I’ve got to get ready for Reno next weekend, but I’ve got to service my truck, load some ammo, and I’ll be working on Sunday trying to get caught up before I hit the road, so blogging will remain sparse.

I’d like to thank everybody who linked to my post on reloading. There were a lot of you. I had no idea that the subject would be so popular!

On the Road. Again.

I’ll be out of town on business again for a couple more days. Blogging will be light blah blah blah….

You know the drill.

Have fun in the comments. Clean up after yourselves. Last one out, turn off the lights!

Light Blogging.(but GREAT Comments!)

Today is the ninth day in a row that I’ve gone in to the office at 5:30AM. (Bear in mind, it’s about 35-40 minutes from my house to the office, and you can imagine what time I wake up in the morning.)

I’ve been keeping track of, and contributing to, the comment threads running here (thanks, Markadelphia!) but I’m a bit burned out in the evenings, so blogging has been and will continue to be light for a couple of days. Sorry.

On the Paucity of Posts.

I don’t have Tam’s excuse of no service at home, nor do I have the excuse of no time. I’ve been working out of the office for the last several days, and getting home at a reasonable hour.

I just haven’t felt like blogging.

Actually, it’s been kinda nice. I may be not-blogging for a while longer. Plus, I’m going to be out of town starting July 5 with, as far as I can tell, no internet access at all for several days. THAT will be difficult, for as Tam asks, “How did our stone age ancestors live without it?” The writing part I can live without. The reading part is another story. Anyway, for those of you checking in on a regular basis and keeping up my Sitemeter numbers, thanks!


For the dearth of posts. Lots going on in my personal and professional life which are interfering with the time needed to blog – at least up to my personal standards, anyway. There’s lots out there to write about, but I just don’t have the time right now. I’m limited at the moment to commenting sporadically. Sorry, sorry, sorry. I’ll try to generate something interesting later in the week, but I’m not promising anything.