Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition!

I read Doc Russia’s blog Bloodletting on an occasional basis, simply because I don’t have enough time to read everything I want to read. It’s a uniformly excellent blog, too, but he outdid himself with this post.

How does this sound;

We are constantly under siege by the gun-grabbers to take our arms away, and they seem quite content to mess with the 2nd ammendment in order to do so. How about we add an extra layer of difficulty to their efforts.

I hereby proclaim the establishment of the of

the Holy Equestrian order of the Knights of Saint John Moses

Where the ownership, display and use of naughty weapons is part of religious worship.

Where we pray fortnightly at the altar of our blessed lady of holy trigger control.

Where are hung the many tenets of our faith:

Thou shalt not point the naughty end of thine weapon at any that thoust dost not intendeth to pink mist

Thou shalt keep thine finger straight as the lords staff and off the holy trigger until thou ist most ready to release the fire and brimstone of the wrath of Saint John Moses

Thou shalt always treatest thine shooting rod as thou it were loadedeth whether thee hast loaded it or nay

Thou shalt know the design of thine sidearm as the good lord did intend for man to know his armaments; thou shalt know its function and use; thou shalt know its cleaning and maintainance; thou shalt know its ballistics and metrics

Thou shalt always rebuke the devil in all his forms; as Senators from California, and as Mayors from Chicago.

Thou shalt have the sacred honor to carry a holy artifact of Saint John Moses wherever thou walkest that is not the home of another man.

Thou shalt be charged with defence of and true allegience to the faith.

For, in the beginning, God did give a great gift upon Saint John Moses, and He said unto him:

“Go, John Moses, and create what I have designed for you to create. Create Holy Artifacts for the just and righteous to carry by their side, so that they shall not fear wherever they roam for all the days of their lives.”

And John Moses did hear the word of our lord and didst followeth His words.

The lord saw, and it was Good.

And the lord rejoiced and sent to aid his servant, other saints.

Saint Samuel, who didst follow the guidance of the lord and made men peacemakers.

Saint Smith and Saint Wesson. Saint Heckler and Saint Koch.

And the lord looked out upon the faces of his servants and said:

“Go forth now, and proliferate your works throughout the earth”

And the servants of the lord did.

The Gospel according to Cyclic rate.

Let us pray.

As it was in the X-ring, now and until the depletion of the magazine,

forever and ever.

Cleared Hot.

Can I get a “Hell yeah!”

While I’m Not Posting Here…

If anybody’s interested I’m having a kind of interesting discussion with John Lopez on government over at No Treason.

John’s a Spoonerist. I’m a supporter of Constitutional Republicanism.

We are being civil, though.

In Praise of Lileks

Occasionally, not very often, I get a Wayne & Garth urge to drop to the floor, prostrate myself and proclaim “We’re not worthy! We’re not worthy!”

I love the written word. I admire those who write well. I rank James Lileks at the top of his craft, and today’s Bleat is a sterling example of why.

Please read.

Bloggus Interruptus

Sorry about the light posting and general lack of content. I’m WAY busy, and when I get home I’m pretty burned out.

Don’t expect much for a while.

Had to add this, though: The Democrat Presidential Ticket, Lurch and Opie!

Photobucket's down!Photobucket's down!

There’s an image for ya!

Welcome readers from Instapundit! It would figure that something I just slapped together would draw White Glenn’s attention, especially when the last week or so of posting has been, shall we say, less than my normal stellar stuff. Please, check the archives, or the “Best Posts” over on the left sidebar. Really, I’m normally much better than this!

This is Better

According to a poster on, the John Edwards VP choice has been described as:

“Breast implants for the Democrat ticket”

That is, he adds to the appearance and makes it look sexier, but adds nothing of substance on the inside.

John Edwards: The Implant Candidate. (Silicone or saline?)


Remember the 2000 election? What was the word used by all the media concerning Bush’s Vice-Presidential choice?


So Kerry has chosen Edwards as his running mate.

Is this an example of “Anti-gravitas?”

One thing’s for sure, Kerry recognized that he needed some lifting power for the lead balloon that is his personality campaign.

Right After I Praise Blogger, It Bites Me

I have problems opening my blog, and now my archives seem to have disappeared.


So They’ve Descended to This…

(From Buzzmachine via Instapundit.)

And John “By the Way I Served in Vietnam” Kerry claims that the economy sucks and all the new jobs are low-wage. Looks like the DNC is hiring, and at $7.50-$12.50/hr. That’s not minimum wage for what must be an entry-level position for, shall we say, unskilled labor?

As Jeff pointed out, the really interesting point is that the ad says the job is to “defeat Bush” – not “elect Kerry.”

The next election will tell us, I think, just how deeply divided the nation truly is. If it’s a squeaker either way I believe that will be notification to us that civil unrest will not be far behind. If Bush wins easily, we may see some activities by the fringe left, but I won’t find it too worrisome. If Kerry (or whoever the DNC actually nominates) slides into office on a significant majority, then the forces of socialism will be prevalent, and we can pretty much kiss off our Constitutional Republic. Nothing short of open rebellion will be necessary to restore it, and honestly I don’t think the American public has it in them.

Don’t misinterpret! I am not saying that BushCo. represents Constitutional Republicanism. As far as I’m concerned, the current administration supports Big Government every bit as much as the Democrats do, and they are passing laws that afford future administrations pretty horrifying opportunities for abuse of power. But there’s a difference between opening a few scuppers in the hull and blowing the keel out. At least with option 1 you can run the bilge pumps a bit harder and stay afloat.

Happy Independence day, everybody.

It’s Been a Month, Still No Response

Frequent visitors will remember that over the course of March, April, and May I had a long, drawn-out exchange with Tim Lambert, proprietor of the blog Deltoid on the topic of self-defense in the UK. My last post on that topic went up May 30, it was of Den Bestian length, and I informed him that I had posted it at that time. A week later I asked if he had a response. “Patience” I was told. (See the next to last comment.)


UPDATE, 7/3: Tim has renewed his promise of a reply. Well, my last one took a month. I guess I ought to cut him some slack.