Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

I am lucky enough now to be able to say that yes, I do have a small purpose in my life, such as it is. I go to work, love my family and then, in my spare time, send some words out into the universe hoping that they will help a woman realize that yes, she is free – free enough to fight and be feminine at the same time. Free enough to choose to live.Breda

One Small Step for (a) Man…

“One Small Step for (a) Man…

…One giant leap for Mankind.”

On this day in 1969, thirty-nine years ago, Astronaut Neil Armstrong made the first bootprint in lunar dust. At 20:17 GMT, (about 1:17PM Mountain Standard time) with 25 seconds of fuel left in the descent stage of the Lunar Module and warning alarms going off constantly, Armstrong gently set the Eagle on the surface of our moon. At 02:56 GMT of July 21, or 7:56PM MST July 20, Armstrong stepped off the LM and spoke the words recorded forever in our history. He swears to this day that he said (or meant to say) “One small step for a man…” but history records otherwise. I watched him in grainy black-and-white on a neighbors 25″ television. I’d seen the Saturn V launch from the banks of the Indian River four days previously. My father was a quality control engineer for IBM, responsible for ensuring the Instrument Unit (guidance system) of the Saturn V rocket worked to specification.

Doesn’t matter. Armstrong landed on the freaking MOON after taking manual control to prevent landing in a boulder field.

They say nobody remembers who the second man on the moon was, but I do – it was Buzz Aldrin, a guy still willing to punch the lights out of moon-landing deniers. Go BUZZ!

Does anyone remember the name of the last man to leave a boot print on the moon?

I do. Gene Cernan, December 14, 1972.

We’re not scheduled to return until 2019.

Yeah. Like that’ll happen.

In Britain He’d be in Trouble

In Britain He’d be in Trouble

Self-defense is all about attitude.

Stealing blatantly from the Ass. Press again, comes this story out of Charlotte, N.C.:

Charlotte teen foils burglary with pocketknife

Fourteen-year-old Dante Gardin first hid in his closet from the burglars who broke into his Charlotte home.

But when one of them kicked in his locked bedroom door Saturday morning, Gardin told The Charlotte Observer, he decided to act.

Gardin said he cut the man on the stomach with a pocketknife he grabbed before he hid and the man dropped his gun.

The teen said when he grabbed the gun, the thieves left without taking anything.

Gardin said he called police, but officers could not find the green van he saw driving away.

No 14 year-old needs a pocketknife! He should’ve curled into a ball and begged them not to hurt him!

Nah, screw that. Good for him. Too bad he didn’t have a 12 gauge. I wonder if the police will be able to find anything when they run a trace on the gun dropped at the scene. Maybe they’ll get lucky and the perp will go to an emergency room to get his gut sewed up.

Oh, wait, of course they won’t. The eeeeeevil NRA prevents them from running traces… What? You mean they don’t?

NEWSFLASH! Obama’s Berlin Speech Leaked!

NEWSFLASH! Obama’s Berlin Speech Leaked!

A pseudonymous media insider going by the name of Red Pepper has secured a page from the speech presumptive Democrat Presidential nominee Barack Unqualified Obama wants to make before the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany. So far only one sentence of the text has been released to the New Media, a line that hearkens back to John F. Kennedy’s emotional and inspiring speech given there in 1963. Some 45 years later, Senator Obama’s voice will echo with power as he delivers these words:

“Ich bin ein beginner!”

Well. THAT was Different!

Well. THAT was Different!

I shot my first night match yesterday. The Tucson Action Shooter’s Club runs its Summer matches in the evenings. I missed last month’s because even at 4:00PM the temperature was still 108°F. I enjoy shooting, but even I have my limits. However, yesterday it wasn’t too bad, and despite the prediction of rain it didn’t look likely, so off I went on my 37 mile drive to the Tucson Rifle Club. According to the web site, the shoot is supposed to start at 18:00 (that’s 6:00PM for us regular folks) but I got there at just a bit after five, figuring I’d help set up.

I was the first one there.

Nobody else showed up until nearly six.

The first shots didn’t go downrange until about 7:00, as the sun was setting over the berm – directly into the eyes of the shooters.

We shot four individual stages, and two “team” stages. While we were shooting, we watched a spectacular thunderstorm roll over the greater Tucson area (well to our East and North). The weather was warm, but there was a constant, cooling breeze. It was very pleasant. As the day got darker, we ended up shooting under the lighting of halogen lamps, and one stage was shot illuminated only by traffic flares.

I had a couple of malfunctions. I didn’t seat one magazine properly and resulted in a jam, and on one stage I decided to switch from my Kimber Classic to my Eclipse because the Eclipse has tritium night sights. Mistake! I haven’t shot the Eclipse enough and it still needs breaking in. I had a jam with it, too. I was reminded of a line from the movie The Ghost and the Darkness when one hunter is convinced to leave his trusted 7×57 Mauser in favor of a bigger caliber rifle – that fails him at a crucial instant, nearly getting him killed:

You went into battle with an untested weapon?


Oh well, while I wasn’t a speed-demon, I didn’t finish last either.

Now I need to find a fiber-optic front sight for my Kimber Classic. On one stage, lit from behind the shooters, the front sight just disappeared on me. I actually looked at the pistol to make sure it hadn’t fallen off! It was still there, but the lighting gave it the same albedo as the backstop and targets.

We finished shooting just after 9:00PM, as the tail of that big storm was sweeping Westward toward the range. There was a mad hustle to get the targets, stands, and barriers into the storage container before it struck. There was a lot of nervous joking about handling lightning rods as we picked up. I got off the range about 9:20, and drove through some of the hardest rain I’ve seen in a while. What was normally a 45 minute trip turned out to be almost an hour. It was a good shoot. I look forward to next month’s.

Here’s a good example of what you can expect to see when Michael Bane films the Para/Blackwater shoot next month:

I hope they edit.

A lot.

Edited to add: Muzzleflash is COOL!

McCain “F^*K IT!” Bumpersticker Update

McCain “F^*K IT!” Bumpersticker Update

Jed and I are still selling the bumperstickers, but I thought I’d bring y’all up to date on where we stand so far.

There have been a total of 49 orders for 271 stickers. The most recent five orders went out in Saturday’s mail, including one twelve to Vodkapundit (who promises a plug on his blog.) Heh – I’ve got the names and addresses of several prominent bloggers now! Jed got his dental work covered, and on top of that we’ve donated $375 to the Soldier’s Angels General Fund.

Thanks to all of you who ordered, and a big fat raspberry to those who haven’t!! 😉

I Need to Disinfect the Internet Now

I Need to Disinfect the Internet Now

With steel wool and sulfuric acid. There is nothing in my pantheon of humanity lower than a pedophile. You can imagine my reaction to finding this in my Sitemeter records for today:


Note that it came from Pakistan.

Osama can haz internet?



Fox news reports:

Obama Trip Could Push Rock-Star Persona to New Heights

Barack Obama’s advisers insist his coming trip abroad is not a campaign swing. Even so, the high-profile journey has all the trappings of a rock-star tour.

The Illinois senator’s trip to Europe and the Middle East has generated so much interest that all three TV network news anchors are planning to accompany the candidate.

Drudge links to this piece:

CBS scores first Obama interview abroad

Lara Logan, chief foreign affairs correspondent for CBS News, has landed the coveted first interview with Barack Obama while he’s abroad, according to sources familiar with the arrangements.

Did she faint? I hear a lot of women faint around Barack John Paul George Ringo Obama.

Investor’s Business Daily’s senior editor and political cartoonist Michael Ramirez hits just the right note:

UPDATE: Scott Ott weighs in:

McCain Backs Timeline to Get Obama Out of Iraq

(2008-07-20) — Republican presidential nominee John McCain today for the first time said he can now support a timeline to reduce the American presence in Iraq, specifically advocating the withdrawal from Iraq of Democrat presidential nominee Barack Obama, and several battalions of U.S. news anchors and reporters.


Why I Read Instapundit

Why I Read Instapundit

Glenn is a veritable firehose of information and links. From Friday, the Quote of the Day for today by Jerry Pournelle:

The purpose of modern government is to take money from the folks who save and pay their bills and live within their means, and use that to hire government workers; and to keep their power by using the money to buy votes from those who do not save and pay their bills and live within their means. And of course the money comes from those who work and save and pay their bills and live within their means — who else will have any money for the government to take?

Or am I unduly cynical? But you ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait until we have President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Senate Leader Reid. Then you’ll see a lot of new laws, all designed to help you. Maybe it’s not possible to be unduly cynical.

From yesterday, a chart that illustrates what Jerry was saying:

In somewhat related news, I just ordered 800 rounds of .30-06 ammunition from the Civilian Marksmanship Program.

I mean, perhaps it’s just not possible to be too cynical.