And Now for Something Completely Different: Gun Pr0n!

Since this is supposed to be a gun blog (albeit lately it hasn’t been much of a blog at all), I thought I’d change tack and, you know, post something gun related.

Last week my dad asked me to take a couple of guns that he no longer had need for and that I didn’t want, and see what I could get for them.  So I took them to my favorite Merchant O’Death and was very pleasantly surprised at what the shop was willing to give me for them.  While I was there, MOD once again brought me a couple of things out of the “Special” display case, trying to tempt me. This is usually a very bad thing for my wallet. The first thing he showed me was a 6″ 3-screw Smith Model 29, a Dirty Harry special – beautifully blued, no lock, hammer-mounted firing pin, in very good condition.  I haven’t succumbed to .44 addiction yet, so I was able to resist temptation.

However, when he pulled this one out of the case, I couldn’t help myself:

That’s an old Clark Custom IPSC Open class Bullseye gun probably from the early late 80’s 90’s.  (See first comment.)  It would be equally good as a bowling pin gun.  Check this thing out:

Note the Remington 1100 cocking handle in place of the rear iron sight:

And the hand-done stippling on the frontstrap and the Allen screws on the front of the dust cover for adjusting fit of the slide to the frame:

From the wear & tear on the scope mount, this gun has obviously seen a LOT of use:

The first thing I looked at when he handed it to me was the price tag. Let’s just say it was WELL under $1k.

It followed me home.  Soon as I get a chance, I’m going to see how it shoots.


The week of April 6-10 I’m going to be in Burlington, VT.  I’ve already dropped Jeff Soyer an email, but if any readers live in that area, I’d be interested in meeting up with you.  My email’s over there on the left sidebar.

Computer Bleg

I built the computer I’m writing this on as a Christmas present to myself in 2008.  It’s an Intel Socket 1336 i7 920 2.66GHz running XP Professional with 3(only 3!)Gb of memory.  It’s got a pair of Western Digital 500Gb SATA hard drives and a Blue-Ray burner.  The video card is a Diamond Radeon 1GB.  Everything is in an ATX case with a 500W power supply.

It’s time to upgrade. I want some USB 3.0 ports, audio that works, and (Jeremy Clarkson voice) MOOORE SPEEEED!

What can I get with a $500 budget, especially if I’m willing to re-use the existing hard-disks, Blue-Ray burner and possibly the video card?

I’d like to switch to Windows 7 Professional.  Not all that fond of Windows 8 at the moment.

Oh, I’m running a pair of LG Flatron W1942T monitors that I plan to keep using.

Am I better off shopping for a pre-assembled system?

EDITED TO ADD:  (Emily Latella voice) Never mind.  The system I’ve got isn’t really all that bad even though it’s six years old.  I’m just going to upgrade it some with more memory, a newer video card, and eventually Windows 7.

THIS Promises to be Interesting

Just got a new follower over at Quora:

Michael J. McFadden

Author, “Dissecting Antismokers’ Brains” & “TobakkoNacht — The Antismoking Endgame

Grew up in Brooklyn, lives in Philadelphia. Background in Peace Studies, psychology, physics, basic statistical and propaganda analysis, writing, editing, nonviolence theory/training/organizing, transportation and bicycle activism, social activism in general, conflict resolution/moderation, vocal pest-control (one hour of me singing will clear most houses of all living things), and cultivating cobwebs.

I can see (obviously) massive parallels between the anti-smoking and anti-gun movements, but I have to admit that I wonder if Mr. McFadden has a blind spot when it comes to “non-violence” and guns.

Time will, I suppose, tell.


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It’s been ten years since I posted this:

As some of you may know, I grew up on Florida’s Space Coast. My father was a Quality Control engineer for IBM, working on the Instrument Unit (guidance system) for the Saturn V rocket. I got to see all of the manned missions up through Skylab launch from just across the Indian River, except for Apollo XVII – the only night launch. I watched that one from my front yard in Titusville.

There were two dawns that day.

Consequently, I’ve been a space exploration enthusiast from a young age. I try to watch all the launches, or at least listen to them on the radio. I remember listening to the launch of the Challenger early in the morning here in Tucson, and thinking – as the station broke for a commercial – “At least this one didn’t blow up on the pad.”

Morbid, I know, but I’m also an engineer. I wasn’t then – I had just graduated from college in December and didn’t have a job yet – but that’s been my orientation for most of my life. I knew that each manned launch was a roll of the dice, a spin of the cylinder in a big game of Russian Roulette, and that NASA had become just another government bureaucracy. (And I also knew just how close we had come to losing three men in Apollo 13 because a series of small, innocuous errors had cascaded into a catastrophic failure in a system that was almost neurotic in its quest for safety.)

It was just a matter of time.

Still, I was shocked when they came back from commercial to announce that Challenger had been destroyed in a launch accident just minutes after liftoff. I knew that all seven of the astronauts were dead. I knew that the “teacher in space” wasn’t going to get there, and that a classroom of students had to be devastated by that realization. Many, many classrooms, but one in particular.

I watched the footage of the liftoff, now splayed in endless grisly loops on every network – all of which had previously declined to show the launch live and interrupt really important stuff like “Good Morning America.” I watched as the flame bloomed out from a Solid Rocket Booster joint, impinging on the huge external fuel tank, and said, “That’s what killed them. What the hell caused that failure?” I watched the Satan’s horns of the SRB exhaust tracks as they trailed up and away from the epicenter of the blast. And then I watched it all again.

Over and over.

Later I discovered that the engineers at Morton Thiokol had tried to get the launch scrubbed, knowing the problems that cold weather caused in the O-ring joint seals of the SRBs, but they had been told to “take off their engineer hats and put on their manager hats” in order to make a launch decision. The launch had been delayed too many times, and President Reagan would be making his State of the Union address that night, with a call to Crista McAuliffe – Teacher in Space.

I decided right then that I didn’t ever want to be a goddamned manager.

I also found out later that the crew, at least most of them, probably survived the destruction of the Challenger, and were alive and aware all the way to impact in the Atlantic. I like to hope not, but facts are sometimes ugly things.

And I wondered if NASA could regain the spirit, professionalism, and devotion to excellence it’d had during the race to the moon – and doubted it severely. As I said, NASA has become just another government bureacracy, more interested in expanding its budget and not making waves than in the visceral excitement and attention to minute detail that space exploration should inspire. (I’m speaking of the upper-level management, and many of the lower-level drones. I’m quite certain that there are still hundreds of people there still dedicated to the dream. They’re just shackled and smothered by the career bureaucrats and the nine-to-fivers who punch the clock and wait for retirement.)

Anyway, all this is leading to a blog I found while perusing my sitemeter links tonight. GM’s Corner, which linked to me last month, has a recurring “new blogs” post. This month’s entry is Dr. Sanity, the blog of Dr. Pat Santy – who happened to be the flight surgeon for the Challenger mission. She has a post up about that day, and it’s well worth the read: Challenger – A Flight Surgeon Remembers.

Highly recommended.

That link still works.  It’s still highly recommended.

OK, Who Ordered the Gale?

I got to the range this morning right at 0700. The gate was open and there was no one else there. It was also still pretty dark. I got my truck unloaded and started setting up my steel when reader Mike C. and his lovely wife E. showed up, followed by reader Brad all the way from Sierra Vista. The wind was blowing hard enough that I didn’t bother to put up my regular target stand, but after about 8AM the wind dropped off and it was, while still cool, fairly pleasant.

Mike C. also brought some steel, so with our various firearms (M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, .458 SOCOM AR, PS90 carbine, a .300BK AR and a .300BK Handi-Rifle, various and sundry handguns) we rang steel for a while. Finally the wind dropped off enough that we decided to set up our target stands.

It was a trick.

A bit after 0900, reader DC and a friend showed up, followed by Primeval Papa. And somebody turned on the wind machine. Nothing that wasn’t steel remained standing.

That’s not to say the firing line wasn’t full – it was. There were a lot of hardy people out this morning to throw lead downrange, but by 10AM I was pretty much done. I shot until the next cease-fire, packed up my stuff and was off the range by 11:00.

So, the Central Arizona Blogshoot had seven attendees, two of us actually bloggers.

Sorry, but I don’t think anyone took pictures. When we weren’t shooting, we were trying to keep our hands warm.

Central Arizona Blogshoot?

It’s become a sort of tradition, at least since 2010.  Here’s a short list of Arizona bloggers I know of who are still active.  If there’s anyone I should add, let me know.  Want to meet up at the Elsy Pearson Public Range in Casa Grande on Saturday, 1/24 and throw some lead downrange?

That’s fifteen.  Remember, they don’t all have to be gun bloggers, just bloggers who might be interested in going to a shoot. And you don’t have to be a blogger, either, just a reader.

So who wants to go shooting?

The 2014 TSM Year in Review

And this may be the last one of these.

Posting in 2014 was the lightest ever.  In 2003 when I started this thing, 697 posts, and I didn’t get started until MAY.  Highest year ever, 2008, 818 posts.  2014, just 223.  (Ha!  223.  I see what I did there….)

I have to say, after eleven years of blogging, the Blogger interface is much, much better, its reliability is excellent, and it’s still free.  Not bad.  But like most things in the modern world, culture is passing blogging by.

So, The Year In Review.  January had 22 posts.  I still like this one best.  We had a Central Arizona Blog Shoot the first weekend in January, but now that The Other Kevin has moved to parts East, looks like I’ll need to set this year’s up myself, unless someone volunteers.  Longtime reader and outstanding commenter GOF lost his home to a fire and his mother to illness.  And in the comments to this post, reader Matt set him up with a new (to him) computer.

I’ll keep saying it:  I have the best damned readers in the world, and I’m honored that you spend your time here.  Thank you.  (Especially you, John Hardin, for recovering lost comment threads!)

February also saw 22 posts.  I bought my first firearm of the year, a Mossberg 930 JM Pro.  To be completely honest, I still haven’t put a single round down the barrel.  In the best post of the month, I put up Bill Whittle’s Afterburner entitled “The Unmarked Matt-Gray Crown Vic.”  It pretty much anticipates events of later in the year, and it inspired commentary you might want to look back at.

March brought only 17 posts.  Not a lot to choose from.  I was spending a lot of time over at – a target-rich environment.  I put up a couple of cross-posts and if you really want to read them, the archive is over there on the left sidebar near the bottom. I did do one überpost that month, R·S·P·E·C·T for and the Rule of Law, in part inspired by that Bill Whittle piece from February. That one drew some excellent commentary and a few links.

April?  Eleven posts.   Lots of time spent over at Quora, so most of April’s content is cross-posts from there.  And I got stalked by Markaphasia who just seems fixated on me, my readers and this blog.  If I had to pick a best post from the month, it would have to be I Got Called RACIST™ Again!

May, the anniversary month for this blog, generated fourteen posts, one of which was The Secret to Happiness wherein I announced my semi-retirement from blogging.  To wit:

I’m not completely hanging it up here. I’ll still post from time to time – mostly in the near future I suspect about the upcoming Rendezvous – but I doubt seriously that there will be any more überposts.

I’m convinced I made the right decision.  I have spent more time with my wife. I’ve read a BUNCH of books.  I’ve fixed a couple of things around the house but have lots more that needs work.  I’ve not made it to the range anywhere near as much as I’d like (see February).  My mom’s still with us, but not doing well at the moment and now Dad is having some issues with his heart.  I helped Mr. Completely organize the 9th Annual Gun Blogger Rendezvous (which may have been the last one, no thanks to me.) 

June brought 21 posts, so I obviously didn’t retire immediately.  As previously mentioned, I DID read a lot more – the entire Dresden Files collection in 15 days.  Highly recommended.  Helps explain the mere 14 posts in May.  Presidential candidate shoo-in Hillary Clinton opened her mouth, and I had something to say about it.  Remember her words when she starts campaigning for real in a couple of months.  One thing I’ve noticed about this year is that I’ve promoted a LOT of Bill Whittle’s work in lieu of writing something myself.  Four of those 21 posts are his videos.

In July the post count edged up to 25.  I was still playing over at Quora, which gave me the Quote of the Month.  Savor that one.  My parents (mentioned above) celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary.  Still a fine looking couple, though mom’s short a head of hair these days.  Lots of Bill Whittle content, some good QotDs, and I started hawking the Rendezvous.

August saw another bump in the post count to 30, with a lot of Whittle content.  The Quote of the Month was another example of why I’m so bummed out that the GeekWithA.45 stopped blogging.  Robin Williams took his last bows in August, and spurred a lot of discussion over whether people should be able to end their own lives when they decide they’ve had enough.  There was also a lot of retrospection over Robin’s career, and I was struck by an excerpt from a speech he gave in the 1996 film Jack.  Give that a read, if you haven’t already.

Reader GOF (remember GOF, the guy whose house burned down and one of my readers got him a new computer?) used his new computer to excellent effect in the aftermath of the Ferguson MO debacle.  Can I get an “AMEN!”?

September brought the Rendezvous and fourteen posts.  Wait, what?  Perhaps I was shocked to inactivity by the threat of Tam hanging up her Empress of Snark crown.  The cat my wife and I ended up with when her daughter moved out passed after almost twenty years.  Still miss that furball.  At least he waited until I was home.

October saw posting dwindle back to eleven pieces, and Bill Whittle represented three of them.  One of those was about the film Fury, and I posted an email from my favorite Merchant O’Death in that piece.  Finally, more than eighteen months after I ordered it, my 8# jug of Unique came in

November brought us another election and I generated a whopping 15 posts (Bill Whittle starring in five of them).  My wife and I went to the Tucson ComiCon where I apparently contracted Ebola, and some dimwitted SOB hit my Mustang in the parking lot, causing $2k worth of damage.  The big news was that some undocumented journalist went through a lot of footage and found Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber talking about the stupidity of the American voter.  I don’t believe that to this day ABCNNBCBS has given this story more than about ten minutes, tops, but it made the rounds of the internets.  And I wrote a short follow-on to March’s überpost that drew some comments.

And, finally, December.  Twenty-one posts for a grand total of 223 for the year.  Quote of the Month goes to Non Sequitur of the Day.  Read that again and savor the crazy. 

And that’s all I’ve got for you.  Hope your New Year’s Eve was everything you hoped it would be, and that 2015 is better than last year.