I got to the range this morning right at 0700. The gate was open and there was no one else there. It was also still pretty dark. I got my truck unloaded and started setting up my steel when reader Mike C. and his lovely wife E. showed up, followed by reader Brad all the way from Sierra Vista. The wind was blowing hard enough that I didn’t bother to put up my regular target stand, but after about 8AM the wind dropped off and it was, while still cool, fairly pleasant.
Mike C. also brought some steel, so with our various firearms (M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, .458 SOCOM AR, PS90 carbine, a .300BK AR and a .300BK Handi-Rifle, various and sundry handguns) we rang steel for a while. Finally the wind dropped off enough that we decided to set up our target stands.
It was a trick.
A bit after 0900, reader DC and a friend showed up, followed by Primeval Papa. And somebody turned on the wind machine. Nothing that wasn’t steel remained standing.
That’s not to say the firing line wasn’t full – it was. There were a lot of hardy people out this morning to throw lead downrange, but by 10AM I was pretty much done. I shot until the next cease-fire, packed up my stuff and was off the range by 11:00.
So, the Central Arizona Blogshoot had seven attendees, two of us actually bloggers.
Sorry, but I don’t think anyone took pictures. When we weren’t shooting, we were trying to keep our hands warm.