Somebody Please Explain This

A Violence Policy Center propaganda piece err, News Release shows up in Yahoo’s Financial News section, verbatim, as a news story. Financial news? How so?

And yet the Left objects to the NRA trying to get its message out through the internet as masquerading as a bona fide news outlet.

Or this piece from the “mainstream media” (in this case, Newsday) where Stuart Wilk, president of Associated Press Managing Editors and managing editor of the Dallas Morning News is quoted saying:

“I would hope that American consumers would be properly skeptical about the objectivity of a group whose stated purpose is to lobby for a specific position – in this case about gun control and gun-related legislation and activities.”

And what about proper skepticism about the objectivity of groups whose stated purpose is to lobby for a specific position – in this case about gun control and gun-related legislation and activities?

The difference being that the NRA had to start its own outlet in order to get its message out. The VPC gets its “press releases” either quoted verbatim or rolled into regular “news” reports as gospel.

Can you say “Double Standard”?

I knew you could.

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