Woohoo! I Gotta Moonbat!.

We’re on a roll now! I got my first real vicious hate mail! To wit:

To whom it may concern,

I was reading your website and was highly intrigued by the information and
opinions you provide.

On that note:
“Here’s something for you to think about: Chomsky, in my opinion, isn’t an American in anything but legal citizenship. He belongs in Europe. But if he were there, and said things about those governments as he does here about ours, I doubt his voice would be tolerated, much less celebrated.”

You make a grave mistake in the above opinion. You expect other Americans to respect your views/opinions on guns – yet you *shoot* them down when they express their opinions -eluding to the fact he doesn’t deserve to be a U.S. citizen OR is unpatriotic because of his personal views. America is BUILT on freedom of speech – yet you contradict your views on the freedom to bear arms by telling someone they don’t have the right to speak their mind about his government or his country – hypocrit

You attitude is the exact reason this counrty is going downhill – FAST.
Let me assume a few things about you:
You drive an SUV/Large Truck (prob. w/a gunrack)
You are christian
You voted for Bush
You are a conservative Republican

Got ya nailed eh? People like you will be the downfall of the UNITED States. Everyone is entitled to their opinions/beliefs – and to state they are unpatriotic or don’t deserve to live in their Homeland is BULLSHIT (you’re accustomed to that smell, right?)

You are close-minded and have a low IQ – did you enjoy drinking the cool-aid? You can’t think for yourself and must join the Christian Jihad that the rest of you conservative zealots blindly follow without question.

The day when we as a country get invaded by the rest of the world for imposing our conservative christian views will be a great one. I hope assholes like you – Including our president and every other lacky blindly following him, will get what’s coming to them. We need to cull the flock – and you’re high on my list.

-Fuck your god,
Michael Klein

My email (yes, he emailed!) response:

Mr. Klein

Please, let me burst your bubble.

You make a grave mistake in the above opinion. You expect other Americans to respect your views/opinions on guns – yet you *shoot* them down when they express their opinions -eluding(sic) to the fact he doesn’t deserve to be a U.S. citizen OR is unpatriotic because of his personal views. America is BUILT on freedom of speech – yet you contradict your views on the freedom to bear arms by telling someone they don’t have the right to speak their mind about his government or his country – hypocrit(sic)

Try reading the WHOLE piece, rather than giving up six paragraphs in. I specifically state: “The KKK is a small bunch of losers who feel that somebody has to be inferior to them, and their teeth have been pulled (no pun intended.) But this is America – like Chomsky, they have a constitutionally protected right to spew their venom, and we have a constitutionally protected right to ridicule them. America is a great country because it provides a marketplace where all ideas can be expressed to survive or fail on their merits. The KKK and Chomsky have small followings because their ideas fail in that marketplace. Repressing them would give them legitimacy they don’t deserve. That’s also why we don’t ban Mein Kampf. It deserves to be read, to remind us of what those ideas lead to. America is hardly the only place where bad ideas originate.”

Continuing, you write:

You attitude is the exact reason this counrty is going downhill – FAST.

And I believe the same about the radical left. Since you didn’t bother to read the whole piece, or apparently much else on my site, I’m not surprised that you leap to erroneous conclusions.

Let me assume a few things about you:

Be my guest.

You drive an SUV/Large Truck (prob. w/a gunrack)

I drive a Ford Ranger, which is a small truck. No gunrack (surprise!)

You are christian

LOL! This PROVES you didn’t read much on the site. Nope. I’m a heathen. Small ‘A’ atheist to the core.

You voted for Bush

Not with any real relish, but any other option (Kerry) would have been a COMPLETE disaster, as even Markos Moulitsas (Daily Kos) has admitted. I love Bush’s foreign policy, but his domestic agenda leaves a GREAT deal to be desired.

You are a conservative Republican

I’m registered as a Democrat. I’m more of a small “L” libertarian. I actually believe in small government and low taxes. The Republicans just talk that game. I support ending the War on (some) Drugs™, Social Security reform (real), better border security, originalism in the courts (and especially on the Supreme Court), and keeping the goddamned government out of my private life. I support gay marriage, but am less sanguine about gay adoption. I support a woman’s right to choose to terminate pregnancy – up to the second trimester, whereupon it had better be for serious health reasons, because somewhere during the gestation period that fetus becomes a human being with all attendant rights – rights equal to the mother’s. I put that line as somewhere during the second trimester, so to err on the side of caution I think the demarcation line (admittedly arbitrary) should be at the end of the first trimester.
But more than anything else, I think people ought to say what they mean and mean what they say. I think Bush is about the only Federal level politician that does that – on either side of the aisle. So I am a Bush supporter – except on those specifics on which I oppose him. On the side of the Democrats, however, I haven’t seen anybody (possibly excepting Zell Miller) willing to be forthright, except about wanting to curtail my individual rights.

Got ya nailed eh?

Not even close. What does that say about you?

You are close-minded and have a low IQ

Pot? Meet kettle. Last time I tested, my IQ was about 138. Yours? (The words you were looking for were “alluding” and “hypocrite.”) You mistake a closed mind for an informed and considered opinion. There’s a difference, not that you could discern it.

The day when we as a country get invaded by the rest of the world for imposing our conservative christian views will be a great one.

Tsk, tsk. And they keep telling us that the Second Amendment is a useless appendage to the Constitution. “The day we as a country get invaded by the rest of the world” will be the day the rest of the world finds out what an armed populace is for. Not that I expect it to happen. The rest of the world has done a great job of becoming pacifist and disarming, now that we’ve effectively defeated Communism. That is, except for the religious extremists who would like to impose their radical Islamic views on the rest of the world. And what are they going to invade us with? They can’t make any of the weapon systems they use, and the French certainly can’t out-produce us in an all-out war. All the Jihadis have is terrorism.

But by advocating a desire to see the U.S. invaded by a foreign enemy, you’ve just outed yourself as a domestic one. But you’re not un-American, right? Just “the opposition.”
I hope assholes like you – Including our president and every other lacky blindly following him, will get what’s coming to them. We need to cull the flock – and you’re high on my list.

You forget: I’m armed. To do that, you’d actually have to risk your hide, and I don’t think you’ve got the testicular fortitude. And hypocrite? That would be you – I don’t mind that Chomsky exists. I think his ideas need to be heard so that they can be dismissed by people who can think as the bullshit they are. You, on the other hand, want to see me “culled” (that’s radical leftist for “re-educated”) because you disagree with my opinions and my right to express them.

All I have to say to that is: Try.


Yours truly,

Kevin Baker

(p.s.: I don’t have a god. But fuck you right back anyway, not that I expect you bothered to read anywhere near this far. Your lips would get too tired.) 😀

Ahhh! I feel much better now!

UPDATE, 3/12: Mr. Klein RESPONDED!

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