I pulled the trigger, so to speak, tonight and reserved site 57 on the berm for Boomershoot 2024. This will be my third trip. My first was 2009 and second 2016. I’ll be taking the .300WM Remington 700 5R, and probably my Ruger Precision in .308. Possibly the Power Tool again, too.
I’m right next to a friend on site 58, so we can spot for each other, but there’s space available if you want to join me.
The shoot is May 3-5 in Orofino, Idaho, and it starts off with a BOOM!
The most fun you can have with your clothes on. There have been some issues on access in the past few years (2022 was the worst- targets only at the 350yd berm and at the top due to a land squabble in-between), but hopefully that’s been worked thru. Working to perfect the “single shot hit” with good dope and a Kestrel this year. Have a good drive up.
Last year Joe was able to put targets out onto the field itself, so there were a lot more 600-685ish yard targets in addition to the ones at the top. They were just a little further to the right than they have been in the past. And they are a lot easier to find when they aren’t hiding in the grass!