Where the Hell are the PARENTS?

Suicidal Student Had Bag Full Of Guns At School

WELLSBORO, Pa. — A 12-year-old student who committed suicide in a middle school bathroom had brought more than one gun to school but only fired the shot that killed him, authorities said.

Elementary school and high school classes resumed Thursday in the Northeast Pennsylvania twon, and students were expected to return Friday for the last day of classes at the middle school.

Police haven’t said why the boy, a fifth-grader, might have shot himself.


I don’t know about the rest of you, but when I was growing up I “had access” to guns and ammunition. Most of the kids I knew did. And they didn’t do this shit!

Gun availability” is not the problem! “Making guns safer” doesn’t address the problem. “Safe storage” won’t keep this from happening. And concentrating on these idiocies avoids the question of “what is the cause?” “Gun availability” hasn’t changed. What has?

What makes a 12 year old load a duffel bag full of guns and (I have to assume) decide to kill just himself instead of a bunch of other people first? What makes someone think this is an answer to anything? How can parents not notice that their child is that disturbed?

And, finally, was this kid on prescription drugs? Prozac? Xanax? Luvox? Ritalin? Paxil? Something else? Are we trying to replace parenting with chemicals? And are the chemicals at fault, or just a symptom of a bigger problem?

What the hell is warping our children?

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