Movie Review: Monster

My wife and I went out last night to see Monster, the movie about Aileen Wuornos, the prostitute turned serial killer who was put to death on Florida’s death row in 2002, 12 years after she received six death penalties. Charlize Theron plays the part of Wuornos, and she’s received a lot of Oscar buzz for it. To play the part, Theron, like DeNiro in Raging Bull put on a lot of weight for the role. She wore contact lenses and a dental appliance, and received a considerable amount of “make-down” in order to turn her from this:

into this:

This is Wuornos:

The Oscar buzz is well deserved. Theron is astounding as she takes us on a guided tour through the final steps of Wuronos’s self-destruction.

It’s a tremendously powerful performance.

The supporting cast is excellent as well.

It’s a very well made film.

It’s also about as enjoyable as a two-hour plane crash.

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