Here I Am, Still Posting via Mordor!.

At least according to Donald Sensing.

Blogger has become the Mordor of the blogosphere

Yes, Blogger has been unstable as of late, and yes, it’s irritating as hell, but it’s orders of magnitude better than it was in May, 2003 when I started using it. And it’s still free. And I have yet to see that big, flaming eye.

My lack of posting this week hasn’t been due to Blogger’s stability problems, but because I’ve been busy and both my wife and I have been ill. She’s got whatever creeping crud is going around and has been trying to hack up a lung for about the last nine days – usually between 2 and 4AM. (A five-day course of Zithromax hasn’t produced all that much improvement, IMHO.)

I’ve got my annual Springtime allergies.

Oh, joy.

So, for those of you who have been visiting repeatedly looking for new site content on the hot topics in gun control, like the DEA agent who said “I’m the only one in this room professional enough, that I know of, to handle this Glock .40” – just before shooting himself with it unintentionally, or the whacked-out asshole who shot up a church service or the whacked-out nutjob that shot up an Atlanta courthouse:

Did I have something to say about these? Yes, I did. Did I get it said? No, I didn’t.

But hey, this service is free to you, so sometimes you get what you pay for.

In the mean time, I’ve been trading emails with a couple of people, and I’m working on another one of those thesis-length tracts sure to draw scathing comments about the size rather than the content, so bear with me.

Oh, and I’m still doing a lot of reading. I’ve started Guns, Germs and Steel.

Thanks for visiting.

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