From The Road to Damascus, by John Ringo and Linda Evans:
“If I could’ve, son, I’d have given you a generalship, but that’s a rank beyond my legal authority to grant. We took to heart lessons learned on old Terra. We chose carefully and wisely when we modeled our constitution and named this world for the man who drafted the original model. Military dictatorships are anathema to us.”
Simon’s lips twitched, despite the gravity of the situation. He’d raised an eyebrow at one of the clauses, which read, essentially, The right of the people to keep and bear arms for self-defense and defense of the homeland shall never be infringed, limited, rescinded, interfered with, or prohibited by any decree of law, decision by court, or policy by the executive branch or any of its agencies. And this time, we mean it.
The planet is named Jefferson, so they’re a little shaky on their history – Madison is most responsible for the Constitution, Jefferson for the Declaration of Independence – but I like the sentiment.