I Don’t Do This Often,.
Hardly ever, in fact, but I received an email this evening from Spc. Phil Van Treuren, proprietor of the blog Camp Katrina:
I am a soldier in the Army National Guard and recently returned from deployment in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. We have created a blog, www.campkatrina.typepad.com, which shares stories and pictures from soldiers who served in operation Vigilant Relief, as well as highlighting the other great humanitarian efforts of the US military. I was wondering if we could exchange links on our sites. Our blog has been getting some media interest recently and I thought it might benefit us both. I want to let the public know about the great humanitarian work our military is doing.
Spc. Phil Van Treuren
Ohio Army National Guard
JAG Corps
So I went, and I looked, and it’s worth the link. There are an assortment of contributors to the site, from a female Muslim to a weekly post from the Left side of the ‘sphere, and there are aggregation posts linking to items of interest, plus some opinion pieces by the proprietor himself, like this one. So go have a look around.