Quote of the Day.

From Tam this morning:

I have no real love for the peccadilloes and strange beliefs of the Right. From politicians with a tenuous grasp of the Constitution to preachers sticking their noses where they don’t belong, I get a twinge of annoyance at least once a day. It remains largely an annoyance, however, as so much of what they hold dear has very little impact on me in my daily life: I don’t gamble, have no desire to marry another woman, and don’t have any children for them to teach that the Earth is flat or that Harry Potter is the tool of the devil. Besides, they generally want to let me keep my guns, so if they get too annoying in the future I figure I can always shoot them.

What she has to say about “the nut-fudge looniness of the left” is just as outstandingly snarky. And accurate. Bikini shots aside, it is this kind of writing that makes hers the first blog I click on in the morning.

I don’t think I’m ever going to get the image of church ladies in semtex underoos out of my mind’s eye.

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