Some of y’all are a bit too quick on the trigger, I think.
A writer, with a blog, posts something egregiously stupid and insulting, severely damaging to our right to keep and bear arms. OK. He’s (supposedly) one of us. Even worse. The reaction? Boycott his sponsors, no ifs, ands, or buts.
Uh, no.
This was not Smith & Wesson selling us out to the Clinton administration. This was one guy. His actions were not sanctioned by either Outdoor Life or Remington. I imagine they were as blindsided by his stupidity as the rest of us.
Posted as a comment in the original thread comes this statement:
ALL – Jim Zumbo in NO WAY speaks for Remington! His opinions are his own. We at Remington take our 2nd Ammendment Rights extremely seriously and ourselves market and manufacturer a AR based 308 rifle. Remington Arms supports the lawful use of all firearms by thier owners in whatever legal manner they choose. We at Remington feel that it is the diversity of our tastes and uses of fireaems that should also be the binding element that assists us all in defending the rights granted to us by our fore fathers.
Rest assured that remington not only does not support jim’s view, we totally disagree! I have no explaination for his perspective.
I proudly own AR’s and support everyones right to do so!
What makes me sick is how quickly people on the internet have called to boycott Remington. All Jim said was he was hunting with our people! This is normal course in our industry. How else do people think we field test? with writers.
Remington has spent tens of millions of dollars to defend your rights and how quickly the thanks is threat and boycott! Please feel Free to post that remington does not agree with Zumbo in any way shape or form and we will assess our relationship with him accordingly.
Tommy Millner
CEO and President
He’s right. It’s not Remington’s fault. It’s not Outdoor Life’s fault. This was not a post that went through the editorial process – it’s a blog.
I have no doubt it was Zumbo’s honest opinion. We can pillory him for that to our heart’s content, but it isn’t Remington’s fault.
Is it OK to ask both parties to censure Zumbo? Yes. It’s also OK for them not too. THEN your conscience can be your guide. But to (as many have) write an angry letter to Remington telling them they’ve seen their last dollar from you? A bit premature, I think.
As I’ve said – we are our own worst enemies.