
Zendo Deb goes point-by-point down a curiously overlooked bit of news – Hillary Clinton’s “Plan for Reducing Health Care Costs” that was recently published in Medical News Today. First published on May 25, a quick Google News search shows the only really national coverage of her plan comes from a (pretty short) OpinionJournal piece. A quick check of Technorati shows that nobody paid much attention to that speece in the blogosphere, either. Pretty much everyone is talking about her “from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs” speech advocating socialism. (Well, that’s my interpretation. And the interpretation of about 90% of the commenters.)

Read Deb’s take on her health-care plan, though. Excerpt:

5. Improve the quality of care to help drive down costs:

This statement means nothing. It is like saying she is in favor of Apple Pie. Imagine a statement that is just the opposite. “Ruin the quality of care to help drive up costs.” I am all for driving bad doctors out of health care, but by and large I think she is saying “spend more government money” but not saying where – exactly – it will be spent or where – exactly – it will come from.

This is known as “speaking politically.”

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