Well, the ODCMP is taking applications for the few IBM M1 Carbines they have starting October 1, and I’m not going to be able to get one.
Truck tags are due in October, the Gunblogger’s Rendezvous is in October, I just dropped a chunk of change to replace my stereo receiver (that, or get psychoanalysis for my wife who cannot live without her music), and I can’t find the damned form I have that says I’m qualified to buy a rifle from the ODCMP anyway.
Anybody want to buy ten 15-round M1 magazines? It looks like I won’t be needing them after all.
UPDATE: In comments, Sebastian from Snowflakes in Hell points out my poor reading skillz: The IBMeraphim go on sale in October of 2008, not 2007! I can still save my pennies and get an IBM1!
The offer of my ten M1 Carbine magazines for sale is hereby withdrawn!