An Interesting Perspective on the Question
Also from Ian Hamet:
John McCain served America honorably and heroically in the Vietnam war, but only himself as a US Senator. Anyone who supported, let alone authored, the direct assault on every citizen’s right of free speech that was the McCain-Feingold bill has no business anywhere but locked in stocks in the public square for daily ridicule, or else wearing a suit of tar and feathers while being given a ride out of town on a rail. The Presidency has had some vile men in it, but rarely one who has been so openly contemptuous of the Constitution before he even takes the oath to uphold and defend it. There is no way in hell I will (vote) for McCain.
An understandable position, but insofar as I can see, McCain is hardly alone in is contempt for the Constitution.
Please, RTWT. What he has to say about Hillary alone is reason enough.