Fire Up the Music…
…the Brady Bunch will be dancing in the blood of a 4-year old as soon as they hear about it.
Once again, gun owners manage to be our own worst enemies:
Girl shoots herself with grandma’s gun at SC store
COLUMBIA, S.C. — A 4-year-old girl shot herself in the chest Monday after snatching her grandmother’s handgun from the woman’s purse while riding in a shopping cart at a Sam’s Club store, authorities said.
A witness, Lueen Homewood, said store workers grabbed first-aid materials off store shelves to help the grandmother as she cradled the wounded child near the store’s pharmacy, The (Columbia) State newspaper reported on its Web site.
The girl was rushed to a hospital in critical condition and was recovering Monday afternoon after surgery, said police department spokesman Brick Lewis. Hospital officials would not release her condition after the operation.
Lewis said the grandmother, Donna Hutto Williamson, has a permit to carry a concealed weapon and the purse containing the small-caliber handgun was in the cart near the child. The 47-year-old Williamson, of Salley, was not immediately charged with a crime.
Read the rest of it.
Stupid, STUPID, STUPID. Does she leave the child around insecticides or drain cleaner? Does she carry medications in that same purse? Doesn’t she know better than to leave a young child like that with access to dangerous materials?