Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

I’ll recommend myself to you if you have a pretty strong stomach. (Answering a question about “new” military SF authors.)

I’m not a Libertarian. And the reason I’m not is because there’s three questions Libertarianism has never adequately answered for me:

How do we provide for the national defense?

How do we defend against domestic enemies, to include criminals?

And what about public health? By which I mean plague prevention, not socialized medicine.

I haven’t heard a decent, credible, non-vomit-in-the-gutter answer from a Libertarian on any of those three.

Author Tom Kratman, from An Interview with Tom Kratman, Part 5 that can be found at Blackfive.net The whole interview series is quite interesting. Next up in the interview series is Michael Z. Williamson, but the audio on that is pretty screwed.

The only thing of his I’ve read is Watch on the Rhine, which I thought was actually pretty good. I understand that a lot of his other stuff might, in fact, require that strong stomach he warns about.

Anyway, his three questions are pretty good. I hadn’t considered the public health one, but it does seem obvious in retrospect. Discussion on this would be interesting, I think.

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