Only Two (2) in Over Five Years
Well, I just banned Billy Beck from comments here at TSM. While I generally respect the life he leads and the message he puts out, I cannot respect the messenger any longer. Billy is only the second person I’ve ever banned, and the other was JadeGold.
No, Billy, It’s Off. You got the martyrdom you wanted. Consider your company.
I was right. I got a sh!#storm in my comments, but this isn’t what I was expecting.
Again, I’m still out of town on business, and it looks like I will be at least five days a week through the end of January. In January, it may go to seven days a week, with even longer hours. I wish I could say that I’ll have an überpost up tomorrow or the next day dissecting this whole thing, but I can’t.
I will say that the rift exhibited here isn’t good. (I’d like to accept the “Blindingly Fucking Obvious Award” in the name of H-S Precision . . .)
I will, however say something about this comment (not by Beck):
Not being satisfied with taking more than 50% of my earnings each year, the American government in a few short weeks will likely propose legislation to criminalize and then remove my firearms of military utility, along with their accoutrements.
There’s a very low probability of defeating such legislation, which may include neither a sunset clause a la AWB I nor any grandfathering of existing weapons or accessories.
I and a whole lot of other folks will not comply.
At that point, the government will face a choice — lose credibility by doing nothing, or begin the raids that will open a terribly bloody new chapter of our history.
A whole lot of folks are preparing for just that eventuality — and are simply waiting for the government to make the first move.
When they kill Vanderboegh or other prominent folks…when the rolling roadblocks commence…when there’s an obligatory “refinancing” of people’s retirement funds into “government-backed retirement accounts”….when the alternative media are being squashed….when the homeschoolers are being raided “for the children”…a whole lot of folks will roll off their fail-safe points and go hot.
And it will be a bloody, tragic mess.
The operative word in these paragraphs being “When”.
Not “If.”
If what is predicted here comes to pass, then yes, there will be an armed uprising.
I’ll make you a bet, CA: One year from now only ONE of your predictions might become fact. That would be reinstitution of an “Assault Weapons Ban.”
There will be no general confiscation. None of the other things you predict will occur – UNLESS you and the “3%” start assassinating media figures, elected officials and agents of the Federal government (presumably by long range rifle shot) AS YOU HAVE STATED YOU WOULD DO IF AN ASSAULT WEAPON BAN WAS PASSED.
Is this how you intend to “force” the rest of us into revolution?