Psssst! Hey, Still Wanna Win One of These?OK, here’s the deal as it stands so far:
I’m personally contributing one of these pistols for a raffle to raise money for Project Valour IT. As I mentioned previously, Project Valour is the charity that the Gun Blogger Rendezvous has adopted, so the drawing will take place on Saturday, September 12, 2009 at the GBR IV pizza dinner, the difference here being that you don’t have to be present to win. We should be blogging it live, so you’ll know immediately if you won or not. I’m still working out the details, but the plan is to have 100 entries at $10 each for a total maximum contribution of $1k for Project Valour. The gun will be shipped to the FFL of the winner’s choice, but the transfer fee will be up to the winner to handle.
Oh, and it won’t be a virgin gun when you receive it. The Gun Bloggers are going to fondle it and put some rounds downrange earlier that same Saturday most likely. It will be cleaned, however, before it ships. (Perhaps not well, but cleaned.)
Hey, it’ll be a $10 1911 – you going to complain?
I’ll have more information on how you can enter the raffle later on. Still interested?