Quote of the Day
The GeekWithA.45:
Even Justice David Souter…
Who, among many other things, could not see a protection for the individual right of arms in the plain language of the second amendment (Heller v. D.C.), who did not see any problem with the use of government force for the taking for private gain (Kelo v. New London) and could not see how the first amendment protected people’s rights to Assemble for the purpose of disseminating political messages 60 days before an election (The fraud of McCain-Feingold) actually can see the Endarkenment slouching towards us…
In a speech at Georgetown University Law Center today, retiring Supreme Court Justice David Souter made a powerful plea for re-educating the American public about the fundamentals of how government works.The republic, Souter said, “can be lost, it is being lost, it is lost, if it is not understood.” He cited surveys showing large majorities of the public cannot name the three branches of government, something he said would have been unheard of when he was growing up in rural Weare, N.H. What is needed, Souter said, is nothing less than “the restoration of the self-identity of the American people.”
—————-Perhaps, as he enters retirement, he can meditate on his own contributions to the matter to arrive at some understanding of just what that identity of the American people actually is. Perhaps then he will understand that he should beg the American people for forgiveness.
That snarkily being said, the man is right.
And too late.