When You’ve Lost Glenn Greenwald . . .

From The New Editor via Instapundit:

Salon’s Glenn Greenwald has a piece noting that President Obama’s policies on terrorism are almost identical to those of President Bush.

A commenter notes: (emphasis added)

I do not know what the future holds where Obama is concerned.

I see very little correlation at this point between words and deeds. … It seems he’s all about the power and the money in that order.

Maybe that was the plan all along.

Gee, ya THINK?

Greenwald’s piece begins:

I wonder how many people from across the political spectrum will have to point this out before Obama defenders will finally admit that it’s true. From Harvard Law Professor and former Bush OLC lawyer Jack Goldsmith, systematically assessing Obama’s “terrorism” policies in The New Republic:

Many people think Cheney is scare-mongering and owes President Obama his support or at least his silence. But there is a different problem with Cheney’s criticisms: his premise that the Obama administration has reversed Bush-era policies is largely wrong. The truth is closer to the opposite: The new administration has copied most of the Bush program, has expanded some of it, and has narrowed only a bit. Almost all of the Obama changes have been at the level of packaging, argumentation, symbol, and rhetoric. . . .

[A]t the end of the day, Obama practices will be much closer to late Bush practices than almost anyone expected in January 2009.

And in an addendum, Greenwald points to this “Tom Tomorrow” cartoon.

Either Markadelphia’s alter-ego is Tom Tomorrow, or he takes his marching orders from that cartoon, verbatim!

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