You Know, If You Put Enough Garlic On It

You Know, If You Put Enough Garlic On It . . .

. . . crow still tastes like sh!t.

Billy’s right.


I let emotion get the better of me, and leaped with insufficient consideration. Now I sit here impaled on my own fallibility.

Hey, we lesser beings do that from time to time.

Let me be right up front. Billy Beck grates on my nerves. A lot of people do that, but Billy’s the only one who’s right damned near every time, and I’m man enough to admit that. He grates on my nerves because of his 80-grit high-speed carborundum personality, and I let that get the better of me. Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa. And I mean that, sincerely.

I misinterpreted his comment – the one I used as “Quote of the Day” Saturday. I was wrong. It fit a mental niche I’d carved out, and I slotted him right into that niche. As I said, I knew I was going to regret it later. I do. But when I conclude I’m wrong, I try not to compound the error.

I was wrong. I apologize. The other threads will contain, shortly, a link to this apology. Hopefully this concludes this week’s episode of Drama Llamas, brought to you courtesy of my personal assholeness. I’d blame it on an abscessed tooth, but no, it was just me being me.

Again, Beck, I apologize. I fucked up. You were right. Again.

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