Once More, Into the Breach

Once More, Into the Breach

Robb over at Sharp as a Marble discovered someone I just had to invite, one Marc Rubin:

Mr. Rubin:

I’d never read your Examiner column prior to today, but I have to admit that I was fascinated by your assertion:

In an earlier article about the 2nd amendment I proved beyond a shadow of any doubt that the 2nd amendment has nothing to do with an individual right to own a gun. And the facts are irrefutable.”

You see, I am apparently one of those “many people ignorant of what the 2nd Amendment means” and who insists that it is all about an individual right to own a gun.

And I really, truly enjoy debating the topic with those of opposite mind.

I am the proprietor of a blog, The Smallest Minority, where I invite you to debate this topic with me, in print, in public view. Now, I don’t expect to change your mind, or you to change mine, but what I endeavor to do is to put up both sides of the topic, argued by dedicated advocates using reason, logic, and citations so that those still on the fence – the ignorant, as you style them – can be educated and decide for themselves which argument makes more sense on the evidence.

Experience tells me that it takes a bit more than a single 3,500 word column.

I await your reply.


Kevin Baker
Tucson, AZ

We shall see . . .

UPDATE: After 24 48 hours, no reply.

UPDATE to the update: Mr. Rubin finally replied by email on Sunday, July 19. My response is up.

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