What Socialism Looks Like

What Socialism Looks Like

From In Iraq Now (at 56):

In a Socialist system, all the money is collective–there is one budget. Just like us. There is an Army budget. If pay goes up, procurementgoes down. The opposite is also true. Reduction in Force (the Army’s version of layoffs) means more money for equipment.

Medical care is free, or the same price for all, but no one gets to choose their doctor. Just like the Army.

In a Socialist system everyone gets the same pay if they have the same rank, regardless of their productivity. Unions work this way. In the Army an E4 with four years service who is a first-rate Blackhawk crew chief, fit, and fully qualified makes exactly the same pay as an E4 with four years service who is truck driver flunked the PT Test and still can’t fill out a maintenance inspection form.


And also about Charlie’s Angels.

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