Another Data Point on the Road to the Endarkenment

And today’s Quote of the Day from Daphne’s brother Doug:

How could anyone with a functioning brain stem find celebrity whores so goddamn fascinating? Do these mindless plebes think those talentless stars even realize they exist as anything more than dollar signs filling up their fat bank accounts? The economy is in the shitter, there are few replacement jobs for normal people who want to work, need to work, the federal debt is out of control, we’re busy fighting two long wars, my people (he’s retired Airforce) are coming home in body bags or damaged beyond belief and shameful few of my fellow neighbors take the occasional minute to notice this awful, bloody fact, much less bow their heads in distressed prayer. Washington is so corrupt we might as well call it Goat Fucking Kabul and these mindless, well-heeled women are busy discussing Lady Gaga’s genetically mangled, fucked up crotch for a solid hour like it’s the Holy goddamn Grail.

Can I get an “AMEN!”?

And on that cheerful note, I’m going to bed.

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