Nuke the Site from Orbit

It’s the only way to be sure.  I’ve said that repeatedly.

I took a couple of Quotes of the Day from Zombie’s five-part piece Ideological War Spells Doom for America’s Schoolkids, and now he has a follow-on that caused two readers to send me emails alerting me to its existence.

But I want to take a little different tack on Zombie’s latest, How a Teacher’s Rally Made Me Anti-Education.

I have stated over the life of this blog that I believe that the education system has been suborned by “true believers” in socialism, Leftism, “progressivism,” Marxism, communism, call it what you will. I have stated that these people, without a need of a vast Red conspiracy with monthly planning meetings, naturally gravitate to media and education to spread their faith because they believe they know the truth and it is their self-imposed mission to spread the Gospel. Education and media provide the best path for their evangelism, and while I harp on Antonio Gramsci, I doubt seriously that most of these people have heard of him. Gramsci just wrote about the need to undermine Western culture so that socialism could triumph. He was hardly alone in reaching that conclusion. It didn’t take the Frankfurt School to make people spontaneously choose to do the undermining, that group just provided, with Germanic efficiency, an organized agenda for those who were willing to do a little research.

But the amateurs have done very well all on their own.

No, what Zombie’s latest photo-essay illustrates is precisely that fact – that de-moralizing indoctrination is very much alive and well in the public education system, far beyond any honest person’s ability to deny. Go, look at the pictures. Read the protest signs. Tell me that Marxist ideology has faded away with the fall of the Soviet Union.

No, it still survives in academia. It may very well be taught in your child’s school today. It has been going on for so long that for many parents it’s the very definition of “right-thinking.” Some teachers understand what’s been going on, but I believe many if not most of them are among the group that just believe there’s no other “right” way to think.

Regardless of whether the effort was coordinated or not, the end result (coming two decades too late for the Soviet Union) is the same – a country at the brink of catastrophe.

Should we, as Zombie says, “destroy education in order to save it”?

I’m afraid it’s too late.

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