This is what terrifies them – the smile:
Those are screenshots from this CBS News piece about the increasing number of female shooters in the U.S. – up 47% since 2001, according to the piece. The shooter is CBS’s Katrina Szish, and I suspect that was her first experience with a firearm.
It probably won’t be her last.
That’s the smile you get from a new shooter – Every. Single. Time.
The anti’s are terrified of that – the realization that shooting is fun. Or as the interview subjects put it, exciting, empowering, relaxing.
Also from the piece:
Katrina Szish, CBS: “A lot of people would not expect shooting to be a sport that women would be interested in. And a lot of people would say guns are masculine.”
Lesa Ellanson, NRA certified shooting instructor: “It would depend on how you define femininity. I think a capable woman is the most feminine expression of power that there is.”
Which reminded me of this post from quite a while back. Unfortunately, it’s so old the links are broken, and the comments are gone, but I agree whole-heartedly with another subject of the CBS interview, Jill Kargman:
“I always dress up. I’m very traditional feminine in certain ways. But when I’m shooting a gun, I guess I feel empowered, and empowerment is sexy.”
Damned straight.