I saw a car today with an “I ♥ OBAMACARE” bumpersticker on it. It took me a minute, however, to read the one below that:
(Click for full size)
My immediate reaction:
Like HELL you are!
So I dragged out the camera and snapped that shot just to show you.
When I got home and looked at the full-sized image, I noted that the lower bumpersticker is from ACLU.org. Well, that explains it. The ACLU is a supporter of the “living Constitution” idea, so for the woman in this Civic, obviously whatever she thinks is Constitutional is – by definition – Constitutional!
And people who think like that outvote those of us who don’t.
And people who think like that are likely to think like this:
Remind you of anyone? Want to know where that video originated? The California Federation of Teachers union. But teachers don’t indoctrinate our youth, right?