“He Bravely Ran Away, Away…”

No, not Markaderpia this time.

I recently had a lengthy exchange (I know, so unusual for me) over at Quora.com with a Second Amendment Denier – one of those certain to their bones that the Second Amendment protects only a “collective right.”  I also responded to another commenter in that thread.  I received a notification that the original poster had replied to my last comment, and I clicked on that, read it, and was REALLY prepared to unleash, when I noticed I couldn’t reply.  Why?

[Contents hidden as answer has since been deleted.]

Down the Memory Hole!!

Interestingly, someone at Quora liked one of my übercomments enough to repost it, and that link survives.  It was not a reply to “Nick Malik,” the original thread poster, but someone else in that comment thread.  So, if you’re pining away for one of my überposts, go read that.  Warning, it’s just a repeat of what you’ve read here many times before, but hey, that’s pretty much true of the last dozen or so überposts.

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