So here we are, fourteen years after the attack, and there are finally (still mostly empty) structures where there used to be only the “National Embarrassing Vacant Lot and Monument to Red Tape & Inefficiency.” Four years ago our embassy in Benghazi, Libya was attacked and four Americans lost their lives there under the watch of President Obama and Secretary of State (and Presidential hopeful) Hillary Clinton, who proceeded to lie to us about it.
I’m kinda concerned about what might happen on this day, both here in the States and across the globe. The “JV team” of ISIS seems to have grown into the big leagues. Pretty much the entire Middle East is in uproar if not chaos. Hundreds of thousands of “refugees” – the majority, military-age males – are streaming away from the conflicts – plural – and into Europe. That’ll not end well.
And our President has overseen the negotiation of a not-Treaty that will result, later if not sooner, with Iran building nuclear weapons.
And THAT will not end well.
And here? Well, as Glenn Reynolds keeps repeating:
My favorite part about the Obama era is all the racial healing.
Fasten your seat belts. The ride might get bumpy over the next few years.