Embracing the Suck

After a great deal of thought and study, I’ve come to another uncomfortable conclusion I can no longer put off:  Short of an untimely death or disabling medical event, Hillary Clinton will be our next President.

I concluded in 2012 when the Republicans nominated Mitt Romney and then the voters reelected Barack Obama that the public education system had exceeded its Progressive mission and produced a majority electorate unwilling or unable to rub two brain cells together, and the United States as we knew it was essentially finished.  It was my hope that what Aaron Clarey terms “the Decline,” what Billy Beck terms “the Endarkenment,” would at least be slowed by avoiding this outcome, but it is not to be.  Iceberg?  What iceberg?  All Ahead, Flank!

So I am free to vote “None of the Above.”  And I won’t feel the need to shower with battery acid and a Brillo pad afterwards.

Robert Heinlein wrote, “The worst thing about living in the declining era of a great civilization is knowing that you are.” Sometimes I really wish I drank alcohol.

As Professor Reynolds is fond of saying, “Something that can’t go on forever, won’t. Debts that can’t be repaid, won’t be. Promises that can’t be kept, won’t be. Plan accordingly.”  Yeah.  Our “austerity riots” are going to be spectacular.

Plan accordingly.

UPDATE, 10/14/16: Scott Adams concurs, for the same reason. And he’s been predicting a Trump landslide for months.

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