Talk Radio

So, I’ve spent a lot of windshield time over the last couple of days, and I’ve been listening to Talk Radio (which I very seldom do). Who is this Trump guy that the Right Wing radio guys are talking about? Who they say is going to get into the White House and start accomplishing all this stuff that he promised to do, or that they think he’ll do?

Excuse me, but haven’t they been paying attention over, oh, the last forty years or so?

  • Presidents don’t have that kind of power
  • The Stupid Party isn’t that organized (which is how Trump won the nomination).
  • The Stupid Party loathes Trump almost as much as The Evil Party does.

 We’re in for at least four years of gridlock. If we’re lucky, Trump will get a real Constitutionalist confirmed to the Supreme Court to fill the seat vacated by Scalia. If we’re EXTREMELY LUCKY.
As far as getting anything actually DONE? MAYBE Obamacare will die a horrible death, but Trump has already said he wants to replace it with something. I’d like to introduce President-elect Trump to Thomas Sowell, who once said:

“No matter how disastrously some policy has turned out, anyone who criticizes it can expect to hear: “But what would you replace it with?” When you put out a fire, what do you replace it with?”
I swear, what I’m hearing from the speakers of my truck sounds exactly like Peggy Joseph:


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