Common core is trying to do to math what whole word did to reading. They found that fast readers read “whole word” instead of sounding out, so they thought that everyone should just cut to reading “whole word.” Of course, the problem was that fast readers had done the work to get there. Just treating English as a pictographic language, simply left the kids unable to read NEW words (and none to good with the old, because the word shapes aren’t distinctive enough.)
Common core tries to take the little tricks that people who love math do in their head (because we got bored and worked it out in our heads when we didn’t have anything to read) and reverse engineer them, so everyone does these math tricks. The problem is if you haven’t done the work to internalize these tricks, you’re actually just doing three times the work and never learning the simplest route to the solution.
This is exactly like realizing people who own homes are more stable financially and tend to be more prudent, etc, and deciding the remedy is to make it possible for everyone, no matter how addled, to own a home. It’s taking the virtue required to do something, and thinking it accrues automagically if you do the thing.
It’s one of current leftists’ most persistent and pernicious illusions. They consistently put the cart ahead of the horse.