Photobucket sucks. I’ve got to find another photo hosting service. I’m sure as hell not paying them $40/month (Or $400/yr.) just so I can link photos here. I don’t need 500GB of storage (I’m currently using 2.7G of the 24G I’m paying something like $24/yr for.
This is like when HaloScan/Echo went pay-for-play on their “free” blog commenting service back in 2010. I lost the better part of 40,000 comments dating back to just after this blog got started. Through the herculean efforts of reader John Hardin, he managed to recover and host the comments to a large number of older posts, but I’m not going through anything like that again for the literally thousands of photos I’ve posted over the last dozen years or so. Screw that.
Breda Fallon has said that blogging is dead. I think she’s right, and in large part because supporting industry business models simply don’t work anymore. It’s just not worth dealing with bullshit like this.