I’m Afraid, Part II

Gerard Vanderleun at American Digest has written a very frightening post entitled “Civil War? If It Starts It Will Be Uglier Than Anyone Can Imagine.” Excerpt:

How does it start? Nobody knows but given the misappropriation of power to the USSC, and wholesale cultural revolution that has been imposed through the USSC over the past 60 years, this is likely the flashpoint. Kavanaugh is the primer, and the main charge will be when Trump replaces Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The Left is going to come completely unglued since they know that they will be closed off to cultural imposition through the courts for the lifetimes of everyone in the “back 9” of life.

They will be all-in on the Brown Wave voting them into power, to which DJT is a direct threat.

I’ve tried but failed to recall a single secular-progressive political movement of any note that has accepted defeat at the ballot box and supported the electoral results. Our Sec-Progs are on the cusp of realizing such a defeat.

That’s why I think we are close. From the Left’s point of view, it’s either accept defeat at the hands of people they truly believe are subhuman or start shooting the subhumans.

I have nothing to add at this time, but I will return to this in my next überpost.

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